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Request: Luke Hughes group chat with y/n and the bros Jack asking y/n for girl anniversary advice

Huggy bear🧸-Quinn

Jack jack⚡️-Jack

Lukey💖- Luke

Y/n🧑‍🌾- You

The bros plus y/n

10:30 am

Jack jack⚡️y/nnn

Jack jack⚡️Y/N Y/N

Jack jack⚡️-y/n WAKE UPP

Huggy bear🧸- Jack shut up

Lukey💖- Don't wake her up

Y/n🧑‍🌾- why in the hell did you wake me up 😤

Lukey💖- bro now I got to deal with her grumpy butt


Jack jack⚡️- what should I do for my 6 month anniversary

Huggy bear🧸-  you've been in relationship for 6 months...

Lukey💖- 😱

Y/n🧑‍🌾- guys calm down okay!

Y/n🧑‍🌾- Jack Jack just take her to dinner or the beach and watch the sunset. Get her flowers dress super nice and don't do any thing dumb or you'll probably be single 👍

Jack jack⚡️- that's a great idea

Jack jack⚡️- I was just going to take her to the movies or go on a hike

Huggy bear🧸- no you dumbass that's like middle school relationship things

Y/n🧑‍🌾- i've never been more disappointed

Lukey💖- how do you even have a gf

Jack jack⚡️- ouch

Y/n🧑‍🌾- now that we are done here im going back to sleep

Lukey💖- im coming over for cuddles

Huggy bear🧸- gross

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