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[3rd person POV]

As they walked out the door ignoring what Quackity talked about, Niki wad the first to talk and to notice the beautiful nature

"Look at the trees! They look so pretty!!" Niki said admiring the view, Bad looked at where Niki was pointing and also started admiring the view, "Thats pretty" Bad agreed

Hannah looked down at the floor to see where she was stepping and then finally looked up at where the others where looking at, the view was breathtaking, she never seen a willow tree covered in snow with birds on them feeding their babies

Everything about it was perfect, she just couldn't describe it, that view might just seem normal to someone else but for the 3 it was a sort of picture, especially to Hannah, she's always been into nature and this takes it to a whole new level and she cant describe how its just perfect in her own world

It gives her a relaxing vibe

-lets move to the boys inside the cabin-

"Is the story actually true?" Techno asked Quackity, "Apparently, I mean, I believe it," Quackity sighed as he spoke letting his body completely rest on the chair

"Goddamn.." Techno whispered to himself, Wilbur had to say something, "Hey Big Q, can I ask you something?" Quackity looked at Wilbur and nodded hoping what he was going to ask wasn't anything stupid or idiotic

"Why are you such an asshole to like everyone? Like no offense but like calm the fuck down," Wilbur said, Techno gave himself a head slap because he knew that Wilbur's question was stupid

"Im not that rude," Quackity defened himself, "You sure?" Wilbur asked reassuring, "You wanna get beat?" Quackity asked in a maniacal-playfull way

Wilbur softly laughed, "Thats my point"
Quackity looked down at the floor then realized what Wilbur ment
"Oh-" the raven haired boy murmured

"Like, I get that its like a whole personality you have and you're just looking out for others but tone it down please, especially towards your sister" Wilbur explained

"Okay well first of all, the way I speak to my sister shouldn't matter to you, and, second, the reason I act like this is for personal reasons" Quackity said

"Im not saying that I care about whatever your sister does or like how you treat or talk to her but im just saying maybe speak to not just her or me like a total asshole and saying shit that seems like you dont care, im saying that you lower your tone of acting to others" Wilbur replied

Techno was done with everything at this point and decided to actually go outside with the others and silently walked out without making a noise leaving the both rivals arguing

"Look, there is one reason why I act like this and thats none of your business" the raven boy said, "Now who says im speaking of that? I never asked about anything of how the way you speak but im just saying that you lower your tone" Wilbur replied back

"You want me to change?" the shorter said, and Wilbur nodded, "Then let me fucking be and I'll show you change," quackity barked back, "Fine," Wilbur said

And the fighting ended

-switching back to the others outside-

The 3 were looking at some rocks in the snow and Niki heard some footsteps and turned around, she saw Techno walking out

"Oh hey Techno!" Niki said enthusiastically, Techno smiled at Niki with her bright mood, "Hello," he replied back walking over to them kneeling down looking at the rocks

"Whats up? What brought you out here?" Niki asked, "Well, Wilbur and Quackity were fighting over something and it was annoying so I came out here" Techno explained

"Oh, what where they fighting about?" Niki asked again, Techno didnt know if he should mention it infront of Hannah because he doesn't wanna make this situation sort of worse and just told Niki that he'll tell her later and Niki agreed

Techno looked at the sky and the bright baby blue filled the atmosphere, its almost like looking at someone you love, the sky was breathtaking, the clouds filling the empty gaps like a puzzle

"Do you enjoy looking at the sky?" Hannah asks, Techno turned to Hannah and nodded silently, "I guess its pretty" she replies, "I never really payed attention on the sky or nature in general but this just makes me have a sort of feeling I never experienced," Techno softly said looking back at the sky admiring it

"Same, but I always been a nature girl, mostly to flowers but looking at the snow makes me feel a feeling as well that I can't explain," Hannah said kicking the snow on the ground

"Thats the power of nature, makes you feel things," Bad said from not a far distance from the two teenagers, "Where did you come from?" Techno asked looking at the direction of Bad, "What fo you mean? I've always been here," Bad replied kneeling down to dig in the snow and Niki laughed at the conversation they had

Techno brushed it off and noticed Hannah left, he decided to sit down although the snow is freezing cold and once he sat down he kept admiring the sky unable to put his attention on anything else other than his friends

Techno couldn't understand why he enjoyed the nature this much, the cold air through his dusty pink hair and the warmness from his breath to his hands made him notice that this side of him was new not only to him but the others aswell

At this point he forgot about the Quackity and Wilbur fight but even if he did remember he wouldn't tell Hannah nor Niki, he knows lying is bad and he doesn't like lying, especially to Niki because she is such a sweetheart but Techno's guts are telling him to just shut up and dont bring up their fight

Techno sighed and layed on the snow letting the bright, warm sun hit his body like lightning and letting his thoughts drain away

He never felt this comfy in a long time..


Done!! Anyways pt10 will be out tomorrow!! Bye!! Love you!!

Words: 1050

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