Like herding cats

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Later that night Jean and Billie were decorating for the party tomorrow when the doorbell rang, Billie rushing to grab it. When she opened the door there stood six people, which was one more than she was expecting. Suzy saw Billie's confusion, and decided to clear things up, pointing to the redhead wearing glasses next to her. "Sorry I forgot to mention, this is my girlfriend Lindsey, we're sort of a package deal. Don't worry though I explained everything."

Lindsey glared at her and said. "Um no you didn't, you just walked in earlier and said 'hey babe, the gang is having an orgy for Hanna's birthday! You in?' And then proceeded to tell me no information!" Suzy walking in, setting her shoes into the shoe tree by the door.

"I wouldn't have gone if you didn't want to babe, Billie said it'd be fine to cancel if we couldn't make it. You make it sound like I was actively trying to cheat on you, besides Billie can explain the rest." She said heading over to the living room, where the rest of the girls besides Lindsey headed.

Lindsey turned to Billie with an apologetic look, and said. "I'm sorry, I agreed to come because I was curious. Never really been in an orgy before, but if I'm making you uncomfortable I can leave seeing as I wasn't invited in the first place."

Billie flailed her arms wildly, and blushed as this beautiful girl she just met was being so kind to her. "No! No it's fine, I just threw this together because I know my girlfriend finds her teammates attractive! So I thought for her birthday I'd let her have some time with all of them, but the girls only agreed if I was there… speaking of, did Suzy tell you about… me?"

Lindsey shook her head. "Only that you were Hanna's girlfriend."

Billie drooped and sighed, stressed that she had to personally reveal her secret for the third time now. "Of course she didn't, okay well the fastest way to get this out of the way is to show you. Please don't slap me for this." And she reached into her sweatpants, pulling out her semi hard cock. Lindsey was shocked for a second, but recovered fast.

"Oh! Okay so you're intersex? Or are you trans?" She asked nonchalantly, taking Billie off guard.

"Um, intersex. You don't seem all that surprised." Billie said confused, tucking her big dick back in her pants.

Lindsey waves her hand dismissively, now putting her shoes away too. "Oh I have an aunt who is intersex, you kinda get used to it with how many times she walked around the house naked. I was honestly more shocked by your size, you're way bigger than my aunt. You aren't even fully hard and you're almost the size of my forearm, how big do you get?"

Billie blushed as Lindsey had a conversation with her about her cock size like she was asking about the weather, nothing out of the ordinary. "Uh, 12 and a quarter inch, but it's basically a foot long. And 2 and a half inches thick last time I measured."

Lindsey nodded. "Impressive, well I look forward to trying it out myself. Go easy on me though, I've never had something that big." She said playfully and patted her on the arm, then went to join the others in the living room.

Billie was kinda confused by the encounter, but shook it off. It had gone as well as it could have, and one more willing sexy girl was hardly a problem. So she walked over towards the group, and Gorgie held up a black lacy pair of panties. "Oooo look everybody, Billie wears thongs! I think I'll keep these!"

Billie just stared for a second before saying. "Gorgie, those are my mom's."

Gorgie stopped then looked at the underwear, and looked behind her at Jean in the dining room. Her ass in a tight pair of jeans as she hung up the decorations, and Gorgie said. "Is it wrong that I wanna keep them even more now?" Only to be slapped in the back of the head by Claudia, who snatched the panties and tossed them to Billie.

The Goth, the Milf, and the Cheerleader: Birthday SleepoverWhere stories live. Discover now