Bad Times

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Chapter Summary:

This was during the time Taylor went into hiding back in 2016.

(I don't really remember if it was 2016 so sorry about that)

(Also i'm bleeping out K*nye's name just because I don't like him)

How can the whole world go from adoring you to despising you?

Of course, Taylor never agreed to such a thing but with the decent editing they did, it looked like she did. You always despised K*nye, you always knew he was bad news but you din't think he'd go this far. Because of him, Taylor now spent most of her time crying in her room and trying to block out the haters online. Well until one day when she decided to tell you something she's been thinking about for some time now.

"Would you run away with me?"

This took you by surprise to say the least. Was the situation so bad that she wanted to run away and get away from everything? You obviously din't mind running away with her but you were getting even more worried.

"Of course I'd run away with you. I think that it's good that you get away from the public for a little while, let things cool down."

She pulled you into her arms and tangled her fingers through your hair and just like always, you quickly melted into her touch.

"You have no idea how grateful I am for meeting you y/n, let alone date you" she whispered into your ear.

"Pretty sure I'm the lucky one that's grateful for meeting the prettiest woman in the entire universe. The woman with the most gorgeous blonde hair, the woman with sparkling blue eyes, the woman with such an amazing mind." You whispered back

A light blush appeared in her cheek as she smiled and whispering a quick "I love you" right in your ear and pulling away from the hug to give you a kiss.

Please suggest things in my profile. Thank you and hoped you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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