Chapter 2 - Worries and Excitement

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TW: swearing, fighting


"Yah, do you think we'd use guns like in CSGO?"

"We're going to die."

"Shibal shibal shibal."

Class 3-2 didn't expect their last year of high school would be military training. Well, that's an interesting way to go out with a blast. Literally (hopefully not). Ha-Yun quietly took out her favorite chocolate from her bag.

"Why'd they do this to us?" asked Ha-Yun as she took a bite.

"There must be a catch."

She turned to Young Shin who was researching on his laptop. "It's real," he announced.

"It's no April Fools Joke, I guess," said Tae Man, frowning.

Ha-Yun laughed and hit him playfully with the chocolate. "It's October, Dummy."

"Oh yeah."

Hee-Rak clapped his hands gleefully. "This means we're not going to learn!"

Ha-Yun rolled her eyes at that exclamation. If they're not canceling the CSATs, they'll never hinder their education. She had to applaud his optimism, though. Usually, Hee-Rak is the pessimist of the class.

After offering some chocolate to Tae Man, her attention was caught yet again by the TV. "Regarding third-grade high school students only, there will be military training and existing education at the same time."

Il-Ha slapped Hee-Rak's arm which made him yelp in pain. "You jinxed it, asshole."

The Minister continued, "As such, the government decided to reward students, who agreed to military training, with extra credit for college admissions."

"What in the bribery is this?" said Ha-Yun. The government seemed to be really desperate if they were offering free credit just for that. Something was terribly wrong.

Ms. Park turned off the TV. The grim expression was still plastered on her face. Ha-Yun understood how worried she might've been. If they're going through military training, they'll probably get drafted. Ha-Yun ate more chocolate.

"Military training and classes at the same time?" asked Yoo-Jung.

"What's military training and what's extra credit for?" asked Soon-Yi. Ha-Yun looked at her blankly. The name explained itself.

"Does this mean we have to take CSAT no matter what?" exclaimed Soyoon.

"It just means we're doomed!" screamed Joonhee.

Ha-Yun nodded sadly. Doomed indeed. She spoke up, "Maybe they'd make the questions easier since we'd be very busy."

Soyoon turned to her. "Sunshine, we love your optimism. But as if they'd ever do that."

The optimistic girl just shrugged. There goes another bite of her chocolate. She could feel Tae Man playing with her hair behind her.


Ha-Yun was surprised at how quickly everyone went quiet just after one shout. This did not happen often.

Ms. Park continued, "Just as he said, it means you'll be doing both military training and school classes at the same time. The government said third-grade high school students are only enlistment candidates, so let's not worry too much."

"There's still a chance we'd be drafted..." thought Ha-Yun. She may be an optimist on the outside. But that's just to make people not worry. Inside, she was the biggest worrier ever. She obviously didn't want to see her own classmates potentially sacrifice themselves.

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