20: Lightning

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~~~Jay P.O.V.~~~

            As I walk through the forest it gets wetter and wetter as thick black clouds gather over the tree tops and I can hear the distant crackle of lightning. "No way, it can't be that easy." I mutter stepping in to a small clearing. In front of me is a tall aluminum structure shaped like nunchucks standing strait up and down. I walk around the base running my hand along the smooth side. Before it was more ridged like the grip of a bike handle.

"Well, this was a bust." I sigh, leaning against the structure.

A light rain begins to fall. "Perfect just perfect. How could this day get any beater?" I grumble. Almost as if in reply it rains harder. "Fine! I give up!" I say to the sky and stomp off.

Before I reach the cover of the trees, a blinding streak of lightning lights the sky making everything white and a defining clap of thunder follows it. "Become a fiery flare of light. Streak through the night." Says a prickling voice behind me. It’s the kind of voice that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Slowly I turn around. A girl is standing in the pouring rain. Her eyes are and electric blue, and her hair is watery like the rain. She is wearing a gray dress with long sleeves that fade to white and the skirt is like bolts of lightning.

“Who are you?” I squeak.

“Prophecy.” She says then she begins to fade as she repeats. “Become a fiery flare of light. Streak through the night.” Then she is gone.

“What does that mean?!” I call out throwing my arms in the air in despair.

I sit on the ground with my back against the structure and pull out my sword. The blade extends from the hilt and glows a soft blue in the dark. If the Nunchucks of Lightning could become a jet, then couldn’t this? I think.

Closing my eyes, I imagine myself taking flight in the jet and soaring through the night to the top. I feel myself rising of the ground, but my sword is still in my hand. Placing it back in its holder on my back, I open my eyes.

My skin and ninja suit glow white and a white glow surrounds me. Looking up I see the top of the structure. That’s where I want to go. I think. Then I am shooting to the top in a zigzag motion. “WOOOOHOOO!” I holler. This is so much better than a roller coaster.

I reach the top and hover a couple of feet above the surface. The light rows brighter and I have to close my eyes. A new power flows through me. It crackles and bursts, it is dangerous and fiery. Like lightning. My hands close around cold metal, then I drop on to the top of the structure doing a face plant on to the wet surface.

Standing up I wipe the water from my eyes with my wet sleeve, which made no difference. I look down. My ninja suit is dark blue again, but this time it has a streak of lightning in silver thread running from my right shoulder and branching out to my feet. In my hands is the golden Nunchucks of lightning.

I twirl the nunchucks above my head, then bring them down. At the same time as the golden nunchucks hit the structure a clap of thunder rings through the air and a bright white light flashes, I am left sitting in my jet as it hovers over the structure. Throwing the jet into gear I shoot off to the bounty.

Ninjago's Shadowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें