Chapter 2

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    "So what exactly happened yesterday with you and Haruko?" Asked Hasumi. "I dont even know myself!" I said giggling. "He came out of nowhere honestly. I was just checking out The Coastal Freaks socials, and there he was. "So YoU lIkE The CoStAl FrEakS hUh?" I said mocking hm. "At least he offered to help!" Saki said with a smile. "I agree!" Said Hatsumi. The room got quiet and we all exchanged looks. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked them as I frantically touché my face. "No...we just wanted to know....DID YOU GET HIS PHONE NUMBER!?!?" Hatsumi said smiling from ear to ear. "LOOK SHES TURNING RED!" Saki said as she laughed. "Don't tell me you forgot his number!" Hatsumi said laughing with Saki. "I wasn't thinking about getting his number at the moment! I was so shocked that he even offered to help, and everything before that was a blur!" I replied defensively. "Whatever you say!" Hasumi said as she continue too mock me with Saki.
    It was the weekend, and Hasumi and Saki were were spending the night at my house. We were planning to head to the mall tomorrow, and then catch a movie. "So, what do you guys think about scary movies?' Hasumi asked with excitement. "Im not into them, but they're okay!" I responded. "What about action movies?" Saki responded. "Do you not like scary movies?" Hasumi responded, kind of teasing Saki. "It's not that, its just there's this one movie I have been wanting to see now for a while." She responded. Saki handed her phone to Hasumi and I. "It look interesting enough." Hasumi responded. "Are you game Umi?" She asked me. "Sure!" I responded with excitement. "Do you guys want to bake cookies and then listen to some Costal Freaks?" I asked them. "Of course!" They both responded.
We headed down the hall to my kitchen and began taking out the ingredients to make the cookies. Hasumi poured the flower, and I cracked the eggs. "Umi! That is NOT how you crack eggss. Look, you got egg shells in the batter!" Hasumi said as she showed me how to properly crack an egg. "Not everyone is as good as you at baking, Hasumi." Saki said as she began mixing the dough. Hasumi rolled her eyes as she began to play Thee Costal Freaks. Next thing we knew we were jamming out to their music, not paying any attention to the fact that we had cookies in the oven. "Guys we should TOTALLY start our own band!" Hasumi said eagerly. "Maybe we can invite Haruko to be our lead guitarist!" Saki said laughing. "Yeah! And Umi could be the lead singer, I would be on drums, and you woould be on keys!" Hasumi said to Saki. "That actually sound like a great idea! That could really make us a lot of money, and we can be just like The Costal Freaks!" I said smiling. This is actually an amazing idea, and I'm super excited, but I'm not sure where we are going to start. "What about our jobs at the cafe?" I asked. "Well....what if we preformed in the day time, and worked at night?" Hasumi asaked. "That's actually smart, because not only would we be making tips off of our gigs, but we would still be making a full paycheck from the cafe!" Saki responded. "I agree!" I responded as I walked over to the oven to check on the cookies.

Summer Singsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें