Chapter : 1

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Hello lovlies,
Let's get into the world of Pravisht and Dharani, shall we?

❝𝘛𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧❞

"Ahhh, it hurts really bad",the person said while Pravisht had his full concentration on the person's ankle. He was examining what the problem was.

"Just some time, uncle! Just some time. Trust me",he said and continued doing whatever he was doing.

Once he was done with it, the person tried moving his ankle and was able to do it with ease.

"Thank you, it really feels a lot better now",the person says to which Pravisht gives a warm smile.

"Make sure you don't put too much pressure on your ankle for a few days, uncle. Please come for a follow up after three days. Any time you find any discomfort or anything please come to the hospital. Take care, uncle",he said to which the patient nodded and left from the cabin.

Pravisht relaxed back in his seat and closed his eyes for a minute. It wasn't like he was busy all the time but sometimes he felt burned out.

He picked the paper and started to scribble his signature on it, trying to distract himself.

"Prav.. Oh, are you busy?",Ishika a dietician in the same hospital barged into Pravisht's cabin.

"Yeah, busy scribbling my signature and preserving the pen ink. Tell me, what is it?",he asked and Ishika giggled.

Closing the door, she came inside and settled down on the chair opposite to his.

"Prav, why do you look so moody?",she asked.

"Genius Ishika, people look moody because they are moody. Easy peasy",he said and gave her a fake smile.

"And Mr. Smarty Pants, I asked why is someone moody",she strikes back to which he just pouts sadly.

"Alelele my bacha, what happened?",she asked cooing as though he was just a three year old.

"Bacha wants to go out for sometime. He feels stressed out",Pravisht said.

"Oh, so this is the matter. I see, then why don't you go somewhere bacha?",she asked placing both her hands on the table and then placing her head on it.

"Ishiiii, Senior will kill me. Can you cover up for me pretty pleaseeee?",he asked giving his best possible puppy eyes.

"What? Cover for you? What do you want me to do, Prav? People who come for physio do you want me to give them what to eat and all? They will sue meee! Are you getting it?",Ishika said being completely on dramatic mode.

"Nobody is going to come, just if senior asks tell him I am here. That's all",Pravisht says and rushes from the door covering his face thinking that nobody would see him with his face covered.

Poor thing, if the cats closes its eyes and drinks milk it thinks that nobody is seeing it, our Pravisht thinks that nobody is seeing him but the one who shouldn't have seen it already saw it.

Pravisht took out his bike and drove to the university in which his mother was working. He parks his bike in the parking lot and calls his mother. When she doesn't answer the call, he just waits there in the parking lot.

"Annaya? (Brother?) What are you doing here?",came the voice of Meena.

"Meena, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be in college?",Pravisht asked.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 24 ⏰

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