Chapter 1

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Before I begin I want to thank @anotherwriter_sstory for coming up with the idea for this fic!

The pattering from the rain was a gentle rhythm that would normally lull Y/N asleep within minutes. She could barely focus on the soothing sound this evening. While most of Hogwarts was trying to sleep or already asleep, she was purposely staying awake. She was not alone in this, however. She knew that her friend, who slept in the bed beside her, was also awake.

Today was the day she was going to see the Dark Lord.

If you'd ask her opinion about the Dark Lord a year ago, she'd tell you how evil he and the Death Eaters were. That was in the past. She found herself grown up now, ready to make her own big decisions. There'd be zero chance of her actually getting the mark this evening, even though she was craving for one. No, tonight was the night she had to prove herself. She had to prove herself worthy enough of being a part of the Death Eaters, to show how good her skills were. Joining the Dark Lord would mean being rewarded with power and attention, or so her friend said.

Y/N had to wait for about another hour, silently listening to the rain. Eventually, she heard rustling in the bed next to her and smiled softly at herself. It was time.

Sneaking out of Hogwarts proved to be easier than expected when you knew how. They soon found themselves beyond Hogwarts ground on their way to Hogsmeade. The mud clung to her shoes as Y/N and her friend Ivy followed the path. They'd been instructed to go to a certain spot in Hogsmeade around this time, where a portkey would be waiting for them.

Hogsmeade was entirely empty and when they arrived at the destination, she spotted an owl hooting quite loudly. It came flying toward them and Ivy didn't hesitate when she took the portkey attached to the leg. The owl flew away, having done its duty. It'd activate soon, Ivy informed her. Y/N wondered if she was making the right decision. It wasn't until now that she truly realized where she was.

"Wait...Ivy, I'm not too sure." Y/N could tell Ivy was annoyed as she sighed. Y/N was also fairly sure she was rolling with her eyes, although couldn't see much of her face with her hood up to protect her from the rain.

"Look, I know what everyone says about him but just remember the promises he made." She turned to face Y/N, both of her hands reaching out to place them on Y/N's shoulders. The heavy weight of her warm hands grounded her slightly and some of the tension disappeared.

"Think about our lives after this. We could be fucking rich! We could have so much power, Y/N," Ivy shook her shoulders, "Don't you want power for once? To have control?" Ivy's eyes were sincere, looking at her with a promise in her eyes. She could see Y/N wasn't fully convinced yet, so she dropped her arms and rolled up her sleeve. Y/N held her breath, her stomach twisting as the mark slowly revealed itself. The skull looking at her, a snake gracefully slithering around it. Pale skin that was previously unblemished, now marked with black ink.

Y/N remembered when Ivy came back from the day she was marked. It was nearing morning before she came back, and Y/N was up all night worrying if she would survive the night. She did. And she came back shaking, proudly showing off her mark. Y/N had admired it from the first time she saw it. She was no evil person, really.

Was it so bad to want to be seen after living a life of being invisible?

She swallowed thickly, and nodded her head with determination.

"Let's do it." The portkey activated, sending them both spiraling through the air.

Upon their arrival, Y/N's throat squeezed together painfully and she dry heaved for a moment with Ivy patting on her back. She wasn't used to this so much, mostly because both of her parents were muggles.

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