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Ghost-Spider was swinging through the city. Things had been different recently. Her thoughts were racing as she continued swinging. She had been feeling strange lately, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She was tired all the time, and she had been craving strange foods. She had also been feeling sick to her stomach more often than not.

She decided to swing by the nearest hospital to get checked out. She landed on the roof, switched into casual clothes, and made her way inside. She went to the emergency room and told the nurse what was going on. The nurse took her vitals and then brought her to a room where a doctor could see her.

The doctor examined her and then told her that she was pregnant. Ghost-Spider was shocked. She had never thought about having kids before. She was still young and she had a lot of things she wanted to do with her life. But now that she knew she was pregnant, she was excited. She couldn't wait to meet her child.

The doctor told her that she was about six weeks along. She would need to start prenatal care right away. She also told her that she would need to take it easy and avoid strenuous activity. Ghost-Spider promised to be careful.

She left the hospital and went back to her apartment. She was still in shock, but she was also happy. She couldn't wait to start this new chapter in her life.


The next few months flew by. Ghost-Spider went to all of her prenatal appointments and she took it easy. She still fought crime, but she was more careful than she used to be. She didn't want to do anything that could put her baby at risk.

One day, Ghost-Spider went into labor. She called her friends, Harry Osborn & Mary Jane Watson and they came to pick her up. They took her to the hospital and stayed with her until her son was born.

Ghost-Spider gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She named him (Y/N) Peter, after her late friend. She was so happy to be a mother. She knew that she would do everything she could to raise her son to be a good person.

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