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Author Note: I will take any request on stories. I will only do Bottom!Harry as well as only Drarry one-shot. I can add side ships but the main one will have to be Drarry. I will write anything from angst to fluff to smut. Just don't count on them to be good.  I will tell you what year each story takes place in as well at the top of each one. Another thing is I'm changing you guys from my Pottahs to my ducklings! So thank you my ducklings I love you all. <3


Year: 5

It all started with a simple game of truth or dare between all of the Gryffindors. Hermione had invited one certain Slytherin to the event. That would be her girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Everyone knew you never invite Pansy to any truth or dare game unless you want drama to occur. Hermione decided she wanted some drama to occur to help her best friend with his crush on a certain Slytherin prince. 

"Pansy, baby it's your turn to ask someone." Hermione looked up to her girlfriend who she was leaning on. 

"Oh right, hmm let's see." She tapped her chin as she scanned everyone in the circle. Everyone was terrified because whoever it was would either get a scary truth or a hard dare. Suddenly her eyes landed on the one and only golden boy. "Harry, Truth or Dare."

"Uhhh" he looked around the room and then to Pansy who was eyeing the Veritaserum that sat in front of him. "dare?" he tilted his head scared for what she was about to tell him to do.

"ok." she smiled, everyone was confused about why she just said ok and smiled.

"Ok? So what's my dare?" 

"Oh, I'm gonna save that for when I wanna use it. So you will just have to wait until that day comes." Harry was terrified what was she gonna ask him to do? The game ended after a couple of more people went but Harry remained scared of the future days that would come. 

A couple of days have passed since the Truth or Dare game that involved Pansy. It was the day of the Slytherin vs Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Harry was changing into a green hoodie he bought from Hogsmeade to support Slytherin since they were all friends. He was finishing putting his shoes on when he heard a knock at the door. 

"Coming!" He went to the door and opened it up to see the one and only Pansy Parkinson with her scary "I'm up to something" smirk 

"Harry, it's time." His eyes widened as he was pushed back into the room.

"Fine, what my dare." He crossed his arms and watched Pansy put her bag on his bed and look for something.

"You and Draco are close correct?

"Yeah we are friends now-"

"No, I mean like closer than friends." Harry's face turned brighter than the Weasley's hair

"Oh uh no, I mean- no we are just friends." He was waving his hands around trying to cover his face.

"Well, I want to make our favorite prince a little jealous." She turned around holding a Hufflepuff jersey. Specifically #7 Diggory. Harry's eyes widened at the sight of his ex- crush's jersey

"How did you even get that!"

"Diggory let me borrow it, now put it on, and wear it to the game. That's your dare." Harry was about to protest when he realized what would happen if you rejected a dare in the magic world.

"Fine" Harry snatched the jersey from Pansy's hands and went to the bathroom. He stripped off the green hoodie he was wearing and through on the much too big jersey. He opened the door making Pansy turn her head, she shot up and clapped her hands. 

"You look so cute! I mean obviously, it would be cuter if it was green and had Malfoy instead of Diggory but still, you look so tiny in it." Harry cringed at that statement

"Don't call me small, first Im not, and second you make me sound pick me." Pansy was confused by the muggle term being used. "Muggle term," he said as he noticed her confused expression. She made an "o" face and then grabbed Harry's arm dragging him out of the room and out of the Gryffindor common room straight to the Quidditch pitch. They took a seat next to Hermione who was smiling and Ron who was trying to control his laughter. "Oh bug off" Harry crossed his arms. Just then the balls were set free and the players were up in the air. Harry instantly spotted Draco, not because he was looking for him, no it was just a coincidence. Draco sat in the air on his broom with the wind blowing in his hair that he left untamed and not gelled back. the game went on for a little bit until Draco spotted Harry. 

"Potter!" was all that could be heard throughout the pitch, everyone's eyes turned toward the voice. Draco Malfoy. Harry looked up in front of him seeing the blond-haired boy. 

"Take it off before I have to rip it fucking off." Draco's voice stayed stern and strong not losing eye contact with the messy-haired boy. 

"What?" Harry was confused, how was he supposed to take off the jersey and not wear anything?

"Diggory's jersey take it the fuck off now." Everyone's eyes were on the two, even all the players making the game come to a pause. 

"I don't have anything to change into!" Harry was bright red from embarrassment. Just as Harry said those words Draco ripped off his jersey throwing it at Harry. His eyes widened as he saw the blond sitting on his broom with his shirt off showing his 6-pack and pecks as well as the muscles on his arms. Harry had to stop himself from drooling right there. 

"Take. it. off." Draco's sharp grey eyes pierced into Harry's bright green ones. Harry quickly took off the Hufflepuff #7 Diggory jersey and replaced it with a Slytherin #7 Malfoy jersey. He turned his head and saw Pansy smirking and high-fiving Hermione knowing their planed worked perfectly. He looked around and saw boys and girls staring at Draco with lust in their eyes. This made Harry annoyed and become jealous.

"What are you gonna wear? You can't play shirtless." Draco smirked at him pulling out his wand and with one simple wave he had his spare jersey on. 

"Alright shows over continue the match!" Madam Hootch yelled and the players took off once more and the crowd began to cheer again. 

"Well, potter I better get going." He nodded at the blond-haired boy and turned towards Ron but that was before his face was pulled back to look into the same grey eyes he was staring into moments before.  The taller of the two moved towards the younger ear and whispered "I just wanted to say my love, you look way better in my clothes and with my last name on your back. I like when people know what is mine." He pecked the brown hair boy on the lips leaving him speechless and blushing like a tomato. 

"Ew gross." You can hear the redhead boy next to him say but Harry didn't hear anything going on around him. He never broke eye contact with the handsome boy who started to raise his hand showing the sparkling gold ball that declared Slytherin as the winner.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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