Change Your Mind PT 4

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"Steven. Steven, please. Steven wake up. Look at me! Please." Connie says sadly as she and Alexis are sitting next to an unconscious Steven.

"Steven? Steven!" Alexis says happily as she and Connie see Steven wake up.

"What? No. Where? Where- Where's my...?" Steven says as he and the others see White has Steven's gem before the gem takes the form of a pink steven and lands on the ground.

"Steven!" Alexis says as the gem Steven looks at her hearing the name.

"No.. Please.. I... I need... I need it..." Steven says as he cries as tries to go toward the gem Steven but it is too weak to move.

"What is this? Where is Pink?" White Diamond asks in shock.

"She's gone." Gem Steven says.

"What did you say? Answer me!" White Diamond shouts as gem Steven looks at her.

"She's gone!" Gem Steven shouts as his voice causes the room to shake and makes a crater while causing White Diamond to stumble.

"Where do you think you're going?!" White Diamond asks angrily as gem Steven begins to go toward Steven.

"Help..." Steven says weakly.

"Steven! Hold on!" Connie shouts as she and Alexis run over to Steven.

"We're here Steven. Don't worry." Alexis says as she and Connie begin to help Steven over to gem Steven.

"Don't you dare take one more step! I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that I'll do it! For! You!" White Diamond shouts as she tries attacking gem Steven multiple times before attacking with the controlled gems blasting through the shield and sending everyone tumbling back.

"No... Stop... You're hurting them...!" Steven shouts before the group sees White Diamond is knocked out giving Alexis and Connie the time to get Steven over to gem Steven.

"Here." Connie says as she and Alexis cautiously give Steven to gem Steven.

"Please. Help him. Help each other." Alexis says before the two Stevens then happily reunite dancing and laughing together.

"What are you doing? Pink! Why are you laughing?" White Diamond asks as she wakes up before the two Stevens then become whole once again.

"Steven! Is it you? Are you okay?" Alexis asks as she and Connie run over to Steven.

"Are you back together?" Connie asks.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm me! I've always been me...!" Steven says happily.

"No! You are Pink Diamond! That is Pink Diamond's gem! You do not look like this! You do not sound like this! You are not half human! You're just...! A-Acting like a child!" White Diamond shouts as she throws a tantrum causing the group to laugh.

"I am a child. What's your excuse?" Steven asks causing White Diamond to blush as the room and everyone gains a pink blush and pink hue.

"What's happening? What is this? What's wrong with them? They're turning... pink! I don't understand... I'm in control, I... Something's wrong... with me! No!" White Diamond shouts as she loses control of the others before they return to their normal colors and selfs.

"Guys!" Alexis, Connie, and Steven shout in union.

"Steven..." Garnet says as the group runs over to her and the others.

"Are you okay!?" Pearl asks in alarm.

"Ughh... what happened?" Amethyst asks.

"We're good." Alexis says happily as she shifts to human form.

"I think Steven got through to her." Connie says.

"Listen up you nail-head! The Crystal Gems are here to- huh?" A voice asks revealing to be Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis.

"Steven!" Peridot shouts.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh look at White. She's shakin' like a piece of chalk!" Bismuth says as everyone looks at White Diamond before seeing a Pink Pearl.

"Wh-What happened...? Where am I?" Pink Pearl asks.

"Welcome back." Steven says happily.

"What is this?! I feel... ridiculous... Yellow...! Blue...!" White Diamond shouts before Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond back away from her in fear.

"She's off-color." Yellow Diamond says seeing the pink on White Diamond.

"This can't be happening! I can't have a flaw! I'm supposed to be flawless! If I'm not perfect then... who am I?! If you're not Pink then... who are you?! Who- Who is anyone?!" White Diamond asks frantically.

"Ya know if you just let everyone be whoever they are maybe you could let yourself be whoever you are too." Steven says as he goes over to White Diamond.

"But I'm not supposed to be like this! I'm supposed to know better! I'm supposed to be better! I'm supposed to make everything better!" White Diamond shouts.

"You can! But first you're going to have to leave your own head." Steven says.


"Steven!" Greg shouts as the group arrives back home in the middle of a concert.

"Dad!" Steven shouts as he runs over to his dad.

"Welcome home! Huh?" Greg says before Lar's ship arrives.

"I predict our long journey through space will soon be over." Padparadscha says as she comes outside with the others.

"Welcome home guys." Lars says.

"We finally made it! Earth! No more running, no more hiding! No more Diamond Authority!" Rhodonite says happily before the group sees the Diamonds.

"Welp... We're cracked." Rhodonite says.

"Wait, wait! It's okay! I know what you're thinking but they're here to help! Off Colors meet the Diamonds. Diamonds meet the Off Colors!" Steven shouts as he runs over.

"Hello." White Diamond says nervously.

"Aah! It's the Diamonds!" Padparadscha shouts in alarm.

"Padparadscha it's okay!" Lars says.

"Hey Lars remember Lion and Alexis?" Steven asks as Lion goes over to Lars while Alexis looks at Lars and smiles.

"Hey there buddy. Looking good wolfy." Lars says before he talks with Sadie as she comes over.

"Ah! Oh, I gotta back on stage!" Sadie shouts as the audience chants for an encore.

"Oh no ah! I totally crashed your show!" Lars shouts guiltily.

"Haha you wish! That honor goes to Steven." Sadie says as she looks at Steven.

"Sorry Sadie! I'll make it up to you!" Steven says.

"Hey that's not a bad idea! Hey Beach 're not done yet! I'd like to welcome my friend and yours to the stage. Steven Universe!" Sadie shouts as she gets on stage with her band.

"Thanks, Sadie!" Steven says as he gets up on stage and begins performing with Sadie and her band.


"Beautiful." Alexis says as she is in wolf form on the beach listening to Steven strum his ukulele.

"Thanks Alexis." Steven says as he smiles.

"Room for three more?" A voice asks revealing to be Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst.

"Always." Steven says as the group sits down.

"Whatcha playing?" Amethyst asks.

"I had an idea. Well.a song idea- but also an idea idea." Steven says.

"Let's hear it." Garner says as Alexis nods.

"Yeah!" Amethyst shouts.

"Yes please!" Pearl says happily as Steven begins singing as the others listen.

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