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Man partially pushed door inside peeked in, the woman on chair raised her eyes up to the door

"Ma'am Yash sir has arrived", said manager of Meera Raichand the owner of Raichand tech. Industry

Meera- let him in "sounds quite but powerful"

A man around five'nine feet along lady in her 40s were roaming in garden with hands back

"So miss Raichand what you have decided", said owner of AVI enterprise

Meera-I don't think this is right Dheeraj 

Dheeraj- neither you have other option nor me, we are doing our best for our companies. Try to understand miss Raichand we paired up our children in future then our company will eventually Collab and boards will also trust us

Meera- and what about their decision, they are just kid Dheeraj

Dheeraj- Avika is my princess she will never disobey her dad, you don't have to worry about her.

Meera-"sigh", fine let's turn our friendship into rishtedari then partnership"with smile"

Dheeraj-turn down his astonished eyes and shook hand with her", thank you Meera

Meera- "raise her brows", miss Raichand se sidha Meera

Dheeraj-"awkwardly laughed", tumhare sath tho chalta hai


Meera-i heard about last night fight, you slapped Avika 

Yash- yes I did, I'm not even feeling guilty about that

Meera-yeah why would eventually you are grandson of Shankar Raichand and son of Tanveer Raichand, why would you respect women

Yash-mom, please don't start now

Meera-yeah i should shut my mouth up, just like i did in front of your dad, he never respected me and you're also doing same

Yash- I'm not like him, don't compare me with him

Meera- you are not like him just in one case he never raised hand on me

Yash- I have warned her not to roam around with Sairat

Meera-and who are you to warn her

Yash-her future husband, what more

Meera- it's just words escaped from my mouth and Mr Malik, it can change if we want to

Yash-then why don't you change it, I really want to live my life freely

Meera-"frowned", did I force you to talk with Avika or did I force to you not to talk with any girl, no right. Then what you are caged in

Yash- this burden of marriage I don't want this

Meera-you don't want to marry ever

Yash-i want to but with my choice

Meera-it's just formality you have to fulfill is after completing of your schooling, within a year you have to be engaged with Avika then you both can focus on your career without caring about this marriage if you really want

Yash-what do you mean 'really want'

Meera-like you want to date many girls in college instead of studying

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