Chapter 2: Underneath the moon lit light

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As the Sun started to rise above the arising above the horizon , Miyuki slowly started to open her sleepy eyes as she slowly sat up from her bed, she rubbed her eyes a tiny bit as she was trying to wake herself up. Then, she looked out the window as the light was sipping through the cracks of the fabric hanging on the bar over the window so the sun doesn't fully come inside her room. So, she gets out of the covers from her bed and she puts her pawed like feet on her hard floor and gets out of her bed so she can get ready for the rest of the day. Miyuki quickly goes to pick out her outfit in her closet that she was going to wear so, she can go to see Azure Lion today which, she started to fell butterflies within her stomach so, she tried to calm herself down within the moment so she didn't want to act all nervous around him or let him see her like this. After a couple of minutes, Miyuki slowly calmed  herself down as she finally got herself dressed up nice and fancy just for Azure Lion and then, she headed out of her bedroom and went through the small hallway as she slowly went through the living room and she walked forward to the front door that leads outside. Miyuki opens the door and she walked outside as she slowly shut the door behind her and she turned around so she can lock it in case anyone tried to get into her place when she wasn't home, Once she did she knew he wasn't far now since he was going to pick her up but, she decided to walk the rest of the way to him since she was eager to get this date with him. Miyuki kept walking down the path and gets near the a little area where it was close to the town and as she was looking around she finally see's Azure Lion leaning his back against a poll while he was waiting for her so he can take her out and lets just say he was just as nervous just like Miyuki was. 

Azure Lion looks over to his side as he sees Miyuki walking towards him, So, he quickly gets up straight and fixes his outfit he wanted to wear for her since he wanted this to be perfect for her. As she walks over to him and was only a few inches away from him, Azure gently takes her hand and kisses the top of her hand as he looks up at her with a charming smile on his face.
"Well, hello there Miyuki, You look...You look really lovely this morning" Azure said softly as he kept holding her hand gently as he looked into her silver grayish eyes as he did, He noticed how her cheeks started to turn a hue shade of pink while her eyes go back a little as Miyuki's tail swayed a little bit, Which made Azure chuckle softly as he lets go of her hand gently and he backs up a tiny bit to give her a little space for her since she was looking like a girl that was just talking to a her big fat crush, which, he didn't mind that at all actually since, he thought it was really cute for her to act like this when he did that to her. Miyuki was more red in her face as she quickly covers her face with her free hand as she tried to hide her blushing face from Azure Lion "I-I um...I-I uh...t-thank you, thank you that um...that is sweet of you to say Azure" She stuttered but, she tried to keep herself calm as her tail wags wagging back and forth just from him doing this "G-Gosh darn it! Calm down Miyuki, this is just your first date...with the greatest celestial guard within the Celestial Realm...! Okay, that is kind of amazing but, this is only a date...just as friends probably, he's just being nice is all." Miyuki thought to herself as she calmed herself down as she didn't want to mess this date up with him since this was her first date with anyone she has been with since she was a lot more younger.

Miyuki looks over at Azure Lion, as she did she smiled at him softly as she gently takes his hand into hers as felt her heart pounding out of her chest as she watches Azure Lion take her hand and gently holds onto it
"Let's go my dear, I have a lot prepared for us both for tonight...I do hope you will like what I have in store for us." Azure said calmly as he looked at her and then he looked forward as they both started to walk toward toward the town where their gonna go out for this evening and then he has something special for them for this date tonight. After their time in the town, just enjoying themselves and having some fun. Then, they finally got to where Azure Lion was really excited to have this little part of the date ready just for her for tonight since it was getting dark...he knew this was going to be really special for Miyuki...hopefully she likes it. "Okay, we're here Miyuki so, you can uncover your eyes now and see this special little surprise i had planned for this date...just for you. I do hope you like it." Azure said softly to her as Miyuki feels his hands going off from her eyes, When she opens her eyes and saw the lovely spot he set up all by himself. Their was a blanket at the edge of a hill showing a lovely view of the human town as the moon and stars shined down on the town and themselves as she looks over and sees a record player playing really lovely music and the lights were set up so lovely even seeing some of the stars shooting across the sky "Oh...Oh my goodness. Azure this...this looks so beautiful..." She said softly as she looked at the set he put all together just for her which made her hurt flutter a little as she was surprised he would go all out on her like this, It was really sweet of him to do.

Azure just chuckled softly from Miyuki's reaction as he gently takes her by her hand and he lead her near the record player to get a better listening to the music that was playing on it 
"I'm really glad you like this Miyuki, I really wanted to make this date really special for you" He said calmly as he gently places one of his hands on her waist as his other hand gently places one of her hands on his shoulder while he takes her other free hand into his and he started to slow dance with her as they swayed to the slow romantic music playing on the record player. As they were slowly dancing to the music within the night as the moon cast its shining light down upon the two as it felt like it was just the two of them within this moment...within this world as they danced under the moons lovely basking glow of it's light. As the music started to slow down to a stop Azure Lion started to pull Miyuki a little closer to him as he looked into her eyes for a moment as he felt his heart pounding like a drum within his chest while Miyuki was looking back into his eyes while her tail was wagging quickly a mile a minute as her face was redder then a tomato. She slowly moved in a bit closer and as she was about to get to close to his face, He suddenly pulls her down onto the blanket and as she gasped and falls with him as she lands on top of him and puts his hands on his chest as they both look at each other in their eyes. Then, Azure Lion just snickered as Miyuki just tried to hold back her laughter but, alas, they both started to laugh as she gets off him as she sits beside him and he sits up and gets right beside her as he pulls her close to his side to keep her warm "Hahaha....ha, God, I dont think I've ever laughed that hard in a good while..." Azure said calmly as he looked up at the starry night sky with his arm wrapped around Miyuki ever so gently but, enough to keep her comfortable and warm.

Miyuki looks over at Azure Lion when he said that but, she smiled softly when he did as she giggled softly as she gently places her head against his shoulder as she relaxed herself against his side which, he didn't mind that
"I feel the same way...and...thank you Azure for this. This has been the best night I think I've had in such a long time..." She said softly as she moves her head up and gently presses her lips against his cheek, causing his cheeks to turn bright red as he looks over at her while he lets out a soft chuckle and he gently moves some of her hair our of her face. "Your welcome Miyuki, I'm glad you have enjoyed yourself deserve this." Azure said softly as he gently takes her hand and kisses the top of it gently which made Miyuki's cheeks heat up as she smiles and snuggles into his arms as he holds her close as they sat underneath the moon lit light with the shining stars within the night sky as their connection of their feelings for each other blossomed within that moment...knowing deep down...they want to be more then just acquaintances or just friends...they want to be come something special then that...something that could last them for a life time...their love for one another.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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