- Connections -

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An. would you like me to expand on this (for context this was an english assignment I had to do, basically the prompt was dystopian fiction so I had some fun putting a slight spin on Cyberpunk 2077/edgerunners ((I looked at it later and I pretty much completely ripped it off but you know its fineee I had fun writing it so I don't really care)) )

Also my first proper attempt at a 3rd person POV so yeahhhh  👁️👁️

Click, He felt the cold metallic connector cord insert into his neck. He thought 'is this worth it?' Leito shot a quick glance toward his friend, for a moment he wondered what would happen after this is all over. The clicking of the laptop keyboard filled the room, it was almost comforting to Leito but it also gave him a sense of dread. The 'what if's' if they got caught with the programme or trying to escape the city. "Are you positive you want to come with me Leito?" Bella asked with a glint of concern. "Are you sure you want to go?" Leito responded, Bella wouldn't see herself in a damp and eerie apartment for no purpose. Bella's heart was set.

 Bella peered out the window, she was disgusted at the sight of her old home, New Heaven it was broken and corrupted beyond repair, her resentment for all the unfair regulations and giant companies taking over main megacities and stripping them of their governments. It's horrific. She vigorously typed away at the keyboard being quickly reminded swiftly why she was here.

Click, Bella inserted the second connector cord into her left hand and sat next to her friend, "let's do this Bella" Leito encouraged his friend. With a nod and a click of a key they entered cyberspace.

The transition from real life to cyberspace was instantaneous for Bella, it was familiar to her. It felt natural for her. All of Leito's consciousness was deprived from his body. It seemed like he was an overly sized brick lying dormant next to Bella, who seemed very much alive. Bella studied how being inside Leito's cyberspace felt, it was dim and devoid of the expected elements contained within a stereotypical cyberspot. She sat there for a moment, maybe she had to dig a little deeper to find him. 'Okay, I have to find his being... but what to actually look for? I have no clue'.

She reluctantly began her search for Leito's inner codes and consciousness. The things that stop him from leaving this horrid city of nightmares. Bella walked further forward while the deafening sounds of her footsteps engulfed the silence of the area. His cyberspace started to establish itself as an almost pseudo-corridor, small cybernetic patterns started appearing and lighting up the walls that slowly began manifesting themselves. This foreign place emulated a vast hallway but it didn't exactly feel like one. It felt uncanny and uncomfortable to Bella, cyberspaces are projections of a person's mind and inner self. Bella was confused as to why his cyberspace appeared and constructed itself like this.

There was no time to reflect on why or why not Leito's cyberspace looked the way it did. Time is beginning to run out and Bella can feel her breathing become more shallow as the moments pass. The broken hallway seemed to start winding and introducing turns, it was like she was walking through an enlarged, elongated, electronic snake that swallowed her whole. The patterns began shining brightly compared to before and started to act like arrows that point visitors in a certain direction.

Tap, tap, tap Bella began to sprint through the path she had been travelling in, soon she reached the end of the curling hallway. It was pitch black like an empty night sky. She stopped in her tracks at the cusp of the dark area and peered down at her feet. Directly below her was a perfectly sized transparent rectangular box,It had a dim glow to it that heavily contracted its surrounding. The box appeared to be glass but Bella didn't choose to believe it depicted to be.

In the distance a small glimmering object came into Bella's view. It was levitating and moving slowly, almost enticing her to come towards it. She couldn't trust that if she took another step off the rectangular box keeping her safe from whatever could be contained in the dark abyss below, that another receptacle would appear. Frozen like deer in headlights, Bella had to think about her next move carefully.

Eventually Bella trusted that Leito's cyberspace would keep her safe. Dipping her foot into the forbidden bath underneath, another box materialised below her foot and raised above the original box she was on. Immediately she tiptoed towards the glowing object. Each step started to drain Bella of her remaining energy, making her painfully aware of the quickly approaching deadline.

Soon she arrived at the mysterious glowing object, Bella grazed the surface of it with her fingertips and it swiftly transformed into Leito's inner coding. Relieved she started hacking into his persona, this is where Leito's surveillance codes were. With what little energy Bella could muster she began the 'de-surveillance' programme she had stolen from a large data farm that owned this city.

After a short while she checked thoroughly over his persona and it was successfully cleared of any of the remaining supervision code that was surrounding him. Bella calmly closed her eyes to return to reality. As she opened her eyes to see her friend waking in the grubby old apartment they sought refuge in. "We can finally leave Leito, I did it", as they both glanced at the door, it's time to leave this corruption behind... or not...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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