Injuries and Epiphanies

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"Minhoo!" I cheered as I walked in and immediately showed him my phone, which displayed a picture of my cat fast asleep in, what I thought, was the most adorable pose ever.

"Was that last night?" He smiled, cradling the phone to see the picture better.

"Mhm, she climbed onto my lap and used me as a boost to get the the top of her tower." I said, pouting slightly at the fact that she didn't want to cuddle with me. 

"Ooh, Jia! Lemme see your new nails." Felix said, jumping up from the ground and coming over. I let Minho hold my phone, letting him scroll through the twenty pictures he knew I took of my, very still, cat. I spread my fingers so Felix could see them all evenly and Jisung came over to see them too.

"I should ask the styling noona to do mine too." Jisung said to himself.

"Ooh you should! You should ask for Karin, she's amazing at nail art." He nodded and jumped slightly when Chan clapped his hands loudly.

"Alright, we should start practicing while we have time. We also are supposed to be on our way to Idol Theatre in an hour so be mindful of that." He said, going over to start the music and letting us all get into our positions.

S-Class started and as we started dancing I couldn't help but get caught up in Jeongin. I remembered my first day as a trainee and seeing him dance, it was adorably clumsy, but seeing how much he's improved I couldn't help but smile.

I made eye contact with Chan, who gave me a wink, making me giggle as I walked behind the group and to the middle where I walked down as I sang my verse.

After a few runs we stopped for a ten minute break. I didn't feel that tired so I kept running through my part quietly. 

"Hyunjin, why do I feel like I'm wrong?" I asked, making him look at me and come over.

"Let's run it through." He offered. We started mumbling the lyrics and ran through the choreo again but at the end all he did was frown.

"You're good, does something hurt?" He asked.

"No, maybe I'm just not used to it." I said, yet again going through the choreo.

"Jia, calm down, just relax for a few minutes." Felix said in english and chuckling after.

"I'm really not tired, I think my coffee is kicking in." I said, falling to the ground and doing the intro to Back Door.

"Ooh, my part!" Jisung yelled, jumping onto the floor just in time to recite his lyrics.

"I'm surprised you remember the lyrics." I teased, squealing when Jisung kicked my side softly.

"Did you see what he did to me!" I whined, turning to Minho, who gasped and took me in his arms.

"Han Jisung, how dare you kick the baby."

"Yeah, how dare you kick the ba- I'm not a baby." I frowned pulling away from Minho.

"No, you'll always be our baby." Chan cooed, messing up my hair as he did.

"Agh! Break time's over, let me go." I floundered until Minho was laughing too much to keep me by his side.

As we ran through the choreography a few more times the words Chan had said kept running through my head. I didn't know why it bothered me so much, he always called me their baby and the youngest, why was it bothering me now? 

It must've bothered me more than I guessed because the second the I noticed I was about to body slam into Changbin, it was too late to move. I closed my eyes tightly as I fell to the ground, landing on my ankle and bending it the complete wrong direction. I wondered who let out the loud scream of pain as I fell until I realized it was my own. I never understood what people meant by their 'foot was on fire' until now.

"Jia, shit, are you okay?" I felt Chan hold my shoulder firmly before loosening his grip a bit.

"Changbin! What the heck man?" I heard Chan exclaim.

"What!? I was doing my choreo the right way! I didn't even notice her until she slammed into me!" I nodded and groaned at the pain that simply nodding brought.

"Ow.." I cried softly at the extreme pain as I moved slightly so I was no longer sitting on the ankle.

"Holy f.." I heard Chan swear and I didn't even want to open my eyes when I heard his tone.

"Someone call the managers.." Chan instructed, grabbing my hands carefully.

"Hey, open your eyes bub, you're okay. It's not that bad, promise, you're just going to have to miss out for a few weeks." He said, trying to lessen the blow.

"Dammit!" I cursed, slamming my fist into my thigh as I opened my eyes.

"Don't look okay? Looking will only make it worse." He said, holding my face to look at his.

"Why don't you lay down." Changbin offered.

"Are you okay?" I asked, laying on the ground as he'd suggested.

"I'm way more worried about you, JiJi." He saw my frown and nodded.

"I'm okay, you don't really pack a punch." He teased.

"Way to kick a girl when she's down." I joked, watching his expression change as he tried to hold in his laugh.

"Literally." Seungmin said from his seat, which was my pillow.


A few minutes later the manager came in and groaned at the sight of my ankle.

"Alright, you guys go to the Theatre, Jia, let's get you to the hospital."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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