05/06/2023-Interview with Sa'eed Muhammad

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Hello Everyone
It is my great pleasure to introduce to you a remarkable poet whose words have the power to stir hearts and ignite imaginations. Allow me to present Sa'eed Muhammad, a true wordsmith and a master of their craft.

Let's get started😊

Thank you، Jumanatu. It's a pleasure to be here.

🎤 Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the world of poetry?

My name is Sa'eed, I write from Yobe State. I started writing poems right after I graduated from secondary school in 2015.

🎤 What initially sparked your interest in poetry and made you pursue it as a form of expression?

Women— they are the passport to heaven. I started writing poems as a medium to get rid of my introversion and find a way to talk to people especially girls.

It's fascinating to hear that you found poetry as a means to overcome introversion and connect with others, particularly with women.

🎤How would you describe your unique poetic style?

My style is unique, perhaps because I read a lots of Rumi and Darwish's poetry. You will always sense their influences in my poetry. I read a lot of Nigerian poets as well— poets like Zainab Bobi, Zakiyya and Testimony.

🎤 What themes  do you find yourself drawn to the most in your poetry?

I consistently write about love, and grief.

🎤 How do you approach the creative process of writing a poem?

It takes me a day or two to finish writing a poem. I  don't rush, because I write with certain rules in mind.

🎤 Have you ever experienced writer's block? If so how do you overcome it?

I don't believe in writer's block, if I can't write about something, it means I don't know much about it.

The solution is to read, read voraciously.

🎤 Have you ever had a poem or a line that you found particularly challenging to write? Can you share the story behind it?

I have a poem titled: LatifaI find it challenging because Latifa, was a girl, I showed so much emphaty for.

🎤What role do you think poetry plays in society?

It's a catalyst for change— for good or bad it depends on the poet's intention.

🎤 What do you hope readers take away from your poetry? Is there a specific message or feeling you aim to convey?

I want them to feel the beauty of my poem as they read it.

🎤Do you prefer writing free verse or working within specific poetic forms?

Free verse💃🏽

🎤Why free verse?

It gives me the freedom to write freely without paying too much attention to rhymes.

🎤How do you know when a poem is complete or when it needs further revision?

I know a poem is complete when my heart is at peace with it. A poem always need revision in order to cut away the unnecessary words.

🎤How do you decide on the title for your poems?

I decide the title after I finish writing my poems. I mostly look for details that are missing in the poem to create a title.

It was Ted Kooser that taught me a lot about creating titles through his books on poetry refinement.

🎤How do you approach editing and revising your work?

I edit my poem hours after the first draft. I revise it by reading the poem out to myself.

🎤Do you believe poetry has the power to evoke change or inspire action?

Sure. Poetry has the power to evoke change, to shape people's lives and transform dreams into reality.

🎤 Do you have any advice for aspiring poets?

Read the poems of established poets, read books about poetry and submit your works to magazines.

🎤Finally, where can readers find more of your work or connect with you online?

I only submit my works to magazines and later share it on WhatsApp. People can connect with me either on WhatsApp or Instagram.

🎤Your handle?


Thank you so much for joining us today. It was truly an honor to have you share your thoughts and poetry with us.

Thank you, Jumanatu.

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