Chapter One

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Note: This is kind of a prologue, but still chapter one, and I am so sorry for the inactivity! School kept me really busy and I'm trying to prewrite books for you guys! But I'm back now, so... enjoy!


I stood in the same place that I did everyday after school, near the train tracks. I loved watching the trains go by, wondering who they carried, how many they carried, and where they were planning to go.

Another train passed as I stood there, watching as the passengers looked at him, probably asking themselves why I stood there, watching them. One girl who looked a little younger than I did smiled at me and waved shyly. I waved and smiled back.

The train, which was a pretty long one, moved onward as I began to set my things down and pull out a sketchbook. I began to draw the base of a head. I was hoping to draw the girl that was on the train. She was beautiful, with her light and sparkly blue eyes and her long, dark brown hair, which was a rare find in people.

As I went on sketching, a few trains passed. I could hear the tracks creaking under their weight.


I shoved my sketchbook in my bag and stood up, dusting myself off. Sitting on a large rock while trying to draw wasn't necessarily the cleanest thing a person could do. I started walking west, toward my aunt's house, which was technically my house.

I moved in with my aunt over the summer since her house was closer to my high school than my own. She offered to take me in so that I didn't have to rent out an apartment, and my mother agreed.

A small dog wandered along the sidewalk, collarless. I felt bad for it and remembered that I had a small loaf of bread that the dog would be able to eat. I ripped a piece of and dropped it, the dog following my movements with his curious eyes. He attacked the piece of bread and quickly scarfed it down. I smiled and put the bread back in my bag before heading onward.

My house was in view when I stepped into Marello Street. My aunt was out in the front lawn, reading a book in a comfortable looking lawnchair.

My aunt, whose name was Virginia, loved to read. She had her own private library in the basement, which only took up half of the space down there. Sometimes, I go through the books on one shelf and read some of them. I had an entire two shelves to myself, which was where I kept some of my favorite books. I have a bookshelf in my room, but my aunt took great care of the library downstairs, so I kept my favorite books down there so they wouldn't be damaged.

"Hey, hon." Aunt Virginia said, not looking up from her book.

"Hi, Aunt Ginny." I responded, bending down to get a look at the title of the book she was reading. 'The Fellowship of the Ring,' it read. It was the first of my three Lord of the Rings books. "Aunt Ginny, are you reading my 'Lord of the Rings' book?" I asked, gently pushing her shoulder. She looked up at me with a sly grin.

"Yes... I'm guilty. Go ahead and punish me..." She joked, hanging her head and sighing. I laughed and smiled, glancing to see what page she was on. She was on page forty-nine.

"Is it good?" I asked for her opinion.

"Yes! It's absolutely amazing! This Tolkien guy must've been crazy famous!" Aunt Ginny answered, grinning as she skimmed through the pages.

"He's great, I agree. Who's your favorite character so far? Though, I do know it is kinda early to have favorites." I commented. She then skimmed through the pages she'd already read and looked at various names.

"I don't have any. I need more time! I came out here, like, maybe seven minutes ago!" Aunt Ginny exclaimed, laughing.

I smiled at her and said, "I'm gonna go inside, grab a snack and start on my homework." She gave me a solitary nod and went back to reading.

Upon walking into the house, my cat, Princess, latched onto my leg. I stood there with a blank expression. She began to inch up it, like a tree. I shook my leg violently while still holding the blank expression, hoping for her to fly off and walk away.

Princess, whom of which was named by Aunt Virginia, flew off, hitting multiple shoes before sliding across the polished wood floor. She recovered quickly and lumbered away. I began to laugh.

In the kitchen, there was a mess. Flour was on the floor, and the bag of it was sitting on the large island in the middle of the kitchen. A pan was still on the stove from this morning's pancakes. A pot was there, which was new. It was probably used by Aunt Ginny for ramen noodles or soup or something.

I walked past the huge mess and invaded the fridge, where some fresh apples sat on the middle shelf. I grabbed one and left the room, shortly climbing the stairs afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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