Chapter 4

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Oluchi’s POV
After Yugi defeats Kaiba with Exodia, Pegasus sended a package containing a glove and chips in the shape of stars.
There was also a video tape.
Yugi put the videotape in a video player.
Suddenly we saw Pegasus on the screen.
Me: Isn’t that Pegasus J. Crawford of Industrial Illusions?
Yugi: That’s right, he’s the creator of Duel Monsters!
Pegasus: Yugi-boy, I have heard that you have won against Kaiba-boy!
I want to test your skills.
Pegasus suddenly revealed his Millenium Eye to us, it shined.
When I opened my eyes, everyone except me and Yugi was stoned.
Pegasus: I’m impressed that a girl wasn’t affected by my Millenium Eye.
Me: Hah, I am immune to the powers of the Millenium Items, I think.
Yugi transformed into the other Yugi, he was actually the one who defeated Kaiba, not the regular Yugi.
The other Yugi: Let’s begin the duel, Pegasus!
I decided to watch them, instead of stopping them, because this is the chance for Yugi to prove himself that he’s an Elite Duelist.
The duel would last 15 minutes.
Pegasus won the duel sadly, but he stole the soul of Yugi’s grandfather.
He called out to Yugi, he was gone.
Yugi was forced to enter Pegasus’s Duelist Kingdom tournament, if he lost to Pegasus.
Everyone else could move again.
Yugi: I’ll get my grandfather’s soul back, and defeat Pegasus in the Duelist Kingdom tournament!
Me: Yugi..
I thought: Pegasus is very dangerous with his Millenium Eye, he can read his opponent’s mind.
I hope that Yugi won’t have a difficult tournament to win.
Suddenly we heard someone saying outside: Precure, come here and fight me!
Emma: Who’s that?
Me: Let’s look outside!
We ran outside, and we saw Anubis with his Chaos Monsters.
Flamea and Callie came out of the bag.
Me: Yugi, you should stay in the shop, it’s not safe here for you!
Then the other Yugi appeared.
Other Yugi: I want to help you, this is the second time that we must hide.
What are you hiding from us?
Femke: Maybe we should tell them.
Me: But, Professor Bianca told us that we must hide our secret identity.
Emma: Yeah, I do remember that, but we can’t keep it a secret for long!
They are our friends.
Me: Still, I can’t break the promise.
Yugi, you must go inside and stay there.
Joey: Come, Yugi, we must listen to Oluchi.
Other Yugi: Fine.
They went back inside.
Me: Everyone, let’s transform!
We transformed.
After that, Anubis: I will now have my revenge against you!
Chaos Monsters, attack the Pretty Cure!
We fought with the Chaos Monsters, they became stronger than before.
Cure Flame: They are now stronger. What should we do, Grey?
Me: I don’t know, are our powers suddenly weak against them?
Phoenix, maybe you can make a rope of fire to chain them on the ground.
Then we were attacked by one of the Chaos Monsters.
Me: Is everyone okay?
Everyone nodded.
Anubis: I want to fight against the leader of the team, Cure Grey.
Suddenly I was attacked by Anubis.
I knew he wanted to fight me, so I fought back.
I used my Grey Storm against him.
But he wasn’t affected by it.
Callie: Cure Grey, use your Grey Ball Kick against him!
Me: Okay, Precure Grey Ball Kick!
But that wasn’t also useful.
Clover: How are we now supposed to defeat them?
Suddenly I got a vision.
In the vision, I was standing opposite another girl.
Me: Who are you?
???: Cure Grey, I am also Cure Grey, but from the past.
Me: Wait a second, you are my predecessor?!
But you look like me!
Cure Grey of the Past: I am a past life of you.
Ten thousand years ago, I defeated the Dark Queen with my teammates, the past Cure Flame, and the past Cure Clover, also the past Cure Phoenix.
We sealed the dark forces in the hope that they wouldn't awaken again.
But it's worse than I thought.
The Dark Queen is becoming stronger than she was 10,000 years ago.
I shall help you defeat the Chaos Monsters.
Me: B-but, how are we supposed to defeat the Dark Queen?
Cure Grey of the Past: You will have help from others.
You just need to believe in your powers..
I came back to reality.
Cure Flame: Are you okay, Cure Grey?
Suddenly they saw a girl next to me.
Cure Phoenix: Huh?! Two Cure Greys?!
Anubis: She has returned from the dead, the Cure Grey of the Past.
Flamea: Priestess Felia, I thought you were dead!
Felia: I am supposed to be dead, but I was brought back by Oluchi.
Me: Who's Priestess Felia?
Felia : I am her!
I am the Cure Grey of the Past.
She transformed into a precure.
Past Cure Grey: Anubis, one of the generals of the Dark Dimension Empire.
I have once fought against him, but I couldn't defeat him, because he was too strong.
Cure Grey, let's combine our attacks.
It will maybe purify the Chaos Monsters.
Me: Okay!
Cure Flame: We want to help you.
Past Cure Grey: I appreciate the help.
We combined our powers.
All: Precure Mystical Fire Boost Burst!
We purified the Chaos Monsters.
Anubis attacked me and other Cure Grey.
Cure Phoenix: Cure Greys!
Anubis: I am honoured that I will defeat both Cure Greys in one place!
Suddenly Anubis was attacked.
When I looked at the right side, I saw that Blue Eyes White Dragon showed up.
Me: Blue Eyes White Dragon! It rescued us.
Then I saw Kaiba.
I thought: Kaiba, why would he summon Blue Eyes White Dragon?
He had some sort of Duel Disk with him.
Anubis: So the Priest is reborn.
I will come back!
We de-transformed.
Me: Um, thanks Kaiba for saving us…
Kaiba: Don't see this as an apology for what I have done.
I won't do this another day..
Kaiba walked away.
Felia: What a weird guy, he is.
Me: I know..
I didn't realise that I was blushing for a moment
Emma: Oluchi, are you really blushing?
Are you in love with Kaiba, seriously?
Me: N-no…
Felia: Who's Kaiba?
Femke explained everything about what Kaiba did.
Felia: He's a strange guy, but he has saved me and Oluchi, so yeah.
Yugi and his friends came outside the shop.
Joey: Who's this girl who looks like Oluchi?
I explained everything about Felia.
Yugi: Nice to meet you, Felia!
Téa: But how did you revive?
Felia: Actually, my body isn't anymore, but I have a new body.
I have a part of Oluchi's soul in this body.
Emma: Are you immortal, or can you be killed?
Felia: I am immortal, I am not a goddess, but the Legendary Pretty Cures are immortal.
Suddenly cards came down from the air.
Flamea: New Memory Cards!
We have now Cure Dream, Cure Aqua, Cure Lemonade and Cure Mint, Cure Rouge and Milky Rose!
The regular Yugi: Oluchi, are you hiding something from us?
Oluchi: We are Pretty Cures, the legendary warriors whose duty is to protect all Universes from Dark Forces…
We except Felia are the successors of the previous Pretty Cures.
The previous Pretty Cure team, Felia is the leader of the team, I mean was the leader.
We were sent by our home world to help someone recover his memories.
Yugi, are you aware that you have 2 souls in your body?
Yugi: 2 souls?

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