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"Alexander, why don't you say grace?" My mom asks.

"Why can't T do it?" I sit up.

"Alexander," My father scolds.

I roll my eyes.

"Dear heavenly father, may you  bless this food we're about to ingest, pray it fills our body with nutrients so we don't die. Amen." I smile.

My sister, T, laughs.

"Is that how you show your respect?" My father asks.

"I'm going to Orion's," I announce,  standing.

"Xan, you didn't even finish eating," Mom mentions.

"We have to go to work. Coming, T?" I ask.

"Be home later, guys." T stands without looking up from her phone. I grab my keys out of the entry table bowl and go towards the door.

"You two are never home anymore!" mom calls, sadness in her voice.
"Out all times in the night with that Orion." Dad scoffs. "Why hangout and associate with a fucking internet loser?"

"Dad, Orion is responsible for like 70 percent of me and Xan's income, maybe cut him some slack," T suggests before quickly shoveling potatoes into her mouth.

"Let's go," she walks past me.

"Lock the door," is the last thing I hear before we're on the porch. The air is cold. T rubs her hands together while I'm locking up.

"You know at some point you'd think they'd consider the fact that not everyone is this house is a bible thumping christian." I murmur under my breath.

T chuckles, leading us down the steps of our porch.

"They know. They think you need Jesus, Xan, not that you already have him." Her hands go up in prayer.

I scoff, sliding into the driver's seat of my SUV. The Christmas lights I put up reflect off the shiny, black hood. I start the ignition and T immediately begins sparking a joint.

"Thena, dad would go ballistic if he saw you with that! Can't you wait until we're down the street or something?!" I can still see my breath inside the car.

"Relax! God, take your panties out of a twist. You got these super dark tints therefore...I am safe," T replies.

"You're working, remember?" I snag it from her hands.

"As if Orion cares," T chuckles. "10 bucks he is smoking a fatty when he opens the door."

In perfect timing, I hear a bang on the driver's glass. We both jump. I hide the evidence as I slide the glass down. It's our mom.

"Is that weed I'm smelling, Xan?" she complains.

"I wasn't even-" I begin.

"Save it. I can barely understand you when you're high." She cuts me off.

"I'm talking normally?" I reply.

She storms off, but leaves her disappointment lingering.  I exhale, rolling my window back up. Thena bursts into laughter and is almost immediately relighting the joint. 
I grimace before pulling out of the driveway. We drive without conversation for a little, listening to some band T knows personally.

"Are they ever going to stop treating me like a child? I'm 25 for fucks sake," I mumble.

"Yeah? Well, how do you think I feel?" T replies, her attention out the window.

"You are a kid," I rebuttal.

"I'm 21 so not a kid and I have my shit together more than you," she replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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