Prologue: First Steps

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Day 2- A rainy day

Today I danced in the rain. It was my first time feeling that kind of freedom, it was absolutely wonderful feeling the raindrops hit my face. My love brought a towel and hot tea afterward, and we talked for a long time watching the rain pour out the window. I never thought this kind of love existed in the world, but I am so lucky to have it.

A sea monster attacked us this morning, and I got a glimpse at just how fierce Sanji's crew is. They may appear to be a goofy bunch, but my god they are certainly a force to be reconned with. That poor monster didn't stand a chance. That's how strong I want to be one day.

Day 4- Beautiful clear skies

I must say, I've grown to really enjoy Brook's company! He sure has a lot of heart. To that, he would probably say "But I'm a skeleton, I don't have a heart, yohoho!!". We've become quite the musical duo. We've spent a lot of time making music. He's a fantastic singer for having no vocal cords. Oh boy, am starting to say bad skeleton jokes? ...Well anyway, we put on a fun show this afternoon for the crew. I got to show off a little how good a dancer I can be, and sing! I want to keep making my crew this happy all the time. Side note, my captain's eating habits are beyond terrifying...

I had my first conversation with Zoro the swordsman. He has three beautiful swords, and uses them all at once! How cool is that! I told him it would be amazing if I could do something like that. Maybe he was drunk on sake, but he actually agreed to train me!! I'm so excited! I want to stay with the crew so I need to prove myself that I can be a worthy asset.

Day 7- A stormy day

I have been continuing to practice with Zoro on the art of using a blade. I am agile, but I need strength. He has been working me to the bone. My arms are unbelievably sore from swinging them around all day. The man is such a great teacher, but he's ruthless. One hundred percent different from my Sanji. He doesn't care one bit that I'm a woman. He will train me just the same. Sanji may not like it, but it's what I want. I want to become strong. I want to be able to protect them. That's about all I can write, my arms are in so much pain...

Day 9- Super hot day

I'm currently in Chopper's office. I overworked myself today in the heat with Zoro. I still can't land a hit on that bastard, but thanks to him I'm getting better. He isn't even fully healed! In a couple of days though, we will be arriving at a place called Fishman Island to venture to the New World, so I have to be ready.

I talked to Nami earlier about Sanji. Yesterday he made us a fabulous dinner for our one-week anniversary, something I found really silly but still very sweet. He was as charming as ever, and we had a fun night in the crow's nest afterward. He made a place up there for us to both sleep together that night, and we made love under the stars. I really began to open up to him...about how I grew up and how I ended up on Lucky Isle. I told him how terrible it was practically being a circus animal, and all the times Amore abused me. It was hard, but I feel I can trust him after all we've been through. Being there beside him, I felt he certainly is my soulmate. He told me his story, growing up with Zeff on the Baratie, as well as his dream to find the All Blue. It all sounds so wonderful, but when I asked him about the North Blue where he said he was born, he wouldn't talk. Nami told me not to worry about it and that he'll come around. She's probably right, it has only been a week since I joined. I just don't get why he wouldn't want to tell me.

Day 13- A really snowy day

The weather on the Grand Line sure is crazy...not long ago I was suffering heat exhaustion and now I'm making snow angels with Usopp and Luffy. Those two are hilarious, I had the most fun I've ever had today! Luffy and I turned Usopp into a snowman, and his nose stuck out like a carrot! Franky and Chopper joined in for a snowball fight too, and it got pretty intense. I was having a really fun time until Franky accidentally hit me with a big snowball really hard, and Sanji came running outside really angry. I assured him I was fine but he was so nasty towards Franky even though it was an accident. Luffy laughed at what was happening, but honestly, I'm a little mad Sanji wouldn't listen to me, and how mean he was to Franky. He even got mad at me when I told him I wanted to keep playing. I guess this was our first fight...I just don't want to be treated like some fragile butterfly. I'm working to grow strong like him, so I gotta be able to take a hit.

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