Secrets Revealed

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After everyone ate some cupcakes, Dulcinea decided to tell everyone something important that she wanted to say.

Dulcinea: Guys, can I please tell you something?

Puss: Sure, Dulcinea.

Dulcinea: I actually had one more child, not only Sophia. I could only take care of one child so I brought Sophia to the orphanage. My other child's name is Angie.

Angie: Hi Mom! What's happening here?

Sophia: Hello, are you my sister?

Angie: I don't have a sister.

Dulcinea: I think it's finally time I tell you, Angie. That Ginger Cat named Puss, is actually your Father. We broke up a long time ago when I was going to have you and your sister, Sophia. I chose to take Sophia to the orphanage because I couldn't take care of two kids at the same time.

Angie: Really, Mom??

Dulcinea: Yes, my sweet Angel. I'm sorry that all this happened.

Angie: It's okay! It's not your fault, it isn't anyone's fault.

Puss: Wow, I didn't know... I'm so sorry.

Dulcinea: It's okay, Puss.

Kitty: That's a lot! Are you okay now?

Dulcinea: Yes.

Sophia: You're my sister! Yay!

Kimmy: I never got to meet my real Parents though!

Dulcinea: My sister Ella might know something. She actually had a daughter who looked like you. She also brought her to the orphanage because she couldn't take care of kids. Do you want me to invite her over?

Kimmy: Yes!

Kitty: I can't believe this is true!

Puss: Well, at least they are having their happy moment. Right, honey? Uh, sorry, I mean Kitty.

Kitty: Heh, you can me that, I actually kind of like it.

Kimmy: Ew, love is disgusting!

Sophia: Agreed!

Angie: It's okay to me.

Sophia: It's good that you're okay with it, because it happens so often!

Dulcinea: I called Ella and she said she would come in an hour.

Kimmy: Yay!!!

Perrito: Are there more muffins? They taste good!

Dulcinea: Oh, yes! Wait, what's your name?

Perrito: My name is Perrito! They told me some things about you, Dulcinea!

Dulcinea: Wow, that's nice.

Everyone heard a knock on the door, it was Ella! Dulcinea opened the door, and Ella hugged her.

Ella: Sister, I haven't seen you in so long!

Dulcinea: I missed you a lot.

Ella: I missed you too sis.

Dulcinea: Kimmy, this is Ella, your real Mother.

Kimmy: Wait, Mom?!

Ella: My dear! I haven't seen you in years! I'm so sorry for leaving you!

Kimmy: It's okay, Ms. Dulcinea told me about your story and it was definitely not your fault!

Kitty: Can we still keep them?

Dulcinea: Yes, but they'll consider you as their second Parents.

Kimmy: Yup!

Angie: Puss and Kitty are my second Parents too! Hehehe!

Kimmy: I guess you could say that because Sophia is your sister. I think it also makes us cousins.

Angie: Yup!! So confusing but that's okay as long as we're together!

Kimmy: You're so wise. Let's hang out more with Sophia.

Dulcinea: It makes me cry happily seeing them reunited.

Kitty: Well, let's allow them to enjoy each other now.

Puss: Yeah.

Ella: Wait, sis, can you make muffins for everyone?

Dulcinea: Sure. I made muffins earlier and it wouldn't bother me to make another set of muffins. I'll go and bake some muffins, you can talk to each other.

Ella: Alright! I'll call the kids when you're done.

Dulcinea: Thanks!

Ella sat next to Kitty and Puss. She wanted to ask a question.

Ella: Hello, what are your names?

Puss: I'm Puss in Boots, my friends and family call me Puss.

Kitty: I'm Kitty Softpaws, just call me Kitty.

Ella: Cool, I'm Ella! I am Dulcinea's sister!

Kitty: I think she already told us that.

Ella: Yes, I think so too. Anyways, can I ask you both a question?

Puss: Yes.

Kitty: Sure!

Ella: Are you both dating?

Puss: Uh-

Kitty: Yes.

Ella: Oh! Nice! I ship it haha!

Dulcinea: The muffins are ready!

Ella: Kids! The muffins are ready!

Sophia: Yay! Thank you Mom!

Dulcinea: No problem.

Kimmy: Yummy, thank you!


Kimmy: Please don't sing that song again.

Angie: No promises, cousin.

Kimmy: Hehe.

The story didn't end yet! I hope you're excited for the next chapter!

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