The Girl With Stars in Her Eyes

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                 My mother used to tell me the story of a little girl who ran into the forest. She would say that the little girl was fickle minded and had too much curiosity than what was good and proper. Mother warned me to never be like that girl. She said to always keep poised and know where my place was. She said to never go into the forest or else I would never return, just like that little girl. I was never a good listener, so I learned my mother was wrong. One day I went into the forest. What I found was not the dark and scary woods my mother had described to me so many nights however, but instead an oasis of life. There were thousands of trees all around me and endless animals to see. She was wrong about the little girl as well. She had not disappeared but was still in the woods. I had seen the little girl of which was described to me. Her pure blond hair was just as bright and her pink and purple dress was still fit for a that of party. There was one difference though. That difference was why I knew that girl was not truly who she was said to be. She was still just as kind though. Holding out her hand to meet mine and leading me back out of the forest. Her kind smile fading the farther away I got from the forest. When I returned home my mother was practically hysterical. She cried on my shoulder for what felt like hours, yelling at me about how I was not to disappear like that again. I tried to tell her, and the others, I truly did. About the girl I had met in the woods but none of them would listen. After that I never left again. I never went to the forest to see the trees again. I had only to stay in our little town with my friends to play with instead of the animals of the woods. I was the only one who knew the truth and it stayed that way. No one else would ever know about the girl but I would never forget. For how could one ever forget the time they went to the forest and met the girl with stars in her eyes. 

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