Chapter1 Legacy

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This isn't your typical superhero story. This is a story of how my team begin to lose it. This is a story of mystery and distrust. This is a story of a actual real teenage superhero team. Hi my name Ricardo Morales and I'll be telling you my story of how I got my powers and how I got on my team-The Legacies. On April 3 when I went on my class field trip to the biological engineering facility in the middle of New York City. "Hey Dipshit how about you sit by me!" Screamed Gunther my ignorant bully. Um you know I just sat down and got here I think I'll pass big guy I nervously said to him. " fuck that I'll just sit by you pip squeak!" Said the idiot bully. As he sat by me I could smell the strong disgusting muscular odor of a drug addicted teen. I could tell he was drunk and high at the same time. "Hey Gunther how about we teach Dipshit here a lesson about being a smart ass!" Indicated Collin Gunther's minion."Hmm why not heh?" Grinned Grunther said. Come on guys how about we just take out a juice box and cookies and talk about-POW a fierce fist landed straight in my face. SMACK another fist landed in my stomach and after blow after blow the teacher finally noticed. "What in the- hey you Hooligans quite that or ISD for all of ya!" Demanded the useless teacher. "I'll remember you Morales don't forget that."as he left. I sat there scared,confused & bleeding while I waited for us to get to the destination that'll forever change my life. As the long yellow rusty school bus showed up at the Prestons Biological Engineering Facility everyone was yawning. It was as if I was the only one excited to be there to research things. " alright now anyone who acts up will have ISD for two weeks top now everyone in a single filed line!" Demanded the teacher. As everyone was walking towards the tall skyscraper I felt as if I was being followed by Gunther but I didn't see him or his goons anywhere to be found. " alright now everyone stay calm and show the securities your high-tech watches they gave us to get in," informed the teacher. As everyone was doing as told I inspected the securities who looked more like High-Tech soldiers like in Halo but in all white. They're helmets had mini sniper like guns on them while they was all suited up with futuristic armor and guns. "Are you going to show me your watch or what kiddo?" Asked the impatiently soldier. Oh sorry here you go as I showed my watch. "Alright get out of my sight." Said the brutal soldier. The building was humongous as I watch high-tech swirl around me and hundreds of people zoom pass me. "Hello children I will be your guide instructor for today while I show you around please do not touch anything for your own safety." Instructed the man. As we continued walking while Listening to the man talk about the technology I was getting suspicious that the fact the Gunther and his minions was no where to be found until I felt a hand grab me and pull me away. "Did you seriously think I was going to let you get away you little Prick?" Gunther said. Well do you seriously want me to answer that? "That is it get him boys!" The bully commanded. When I heard those words I ran as fast as I could from them. They chased me down like a wild rabbit as I pushed folks out of the way and ran past the spider experimenting laboratory. "Get the lil girl before he gets away dammit!" Screamed Collin. As I started to slow down I stopped at a dead in by a spider infested cage. "Ha we got you now you lil prick now try to run." Said Collin. As I stood there looking at the cage filled with weird but unique looking spiders I decided to fight the gang. You know what fuck this I'm tired of running lets fight I yelled to Collin and his boys. "Oh my God are you serious fine then let him have it boys!"laughed Collin said. As I punch one boy in the face two more punches appeared to take his place as blow after blow and strike after strike came I couldn't take it anymore. As Collin picked me up by my throat he whispered in my ear."Death will be your Friend,"as he tossed me in the cage infested with the mutated spiders.

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