chapter seven: she's mine.

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Damien gasped in shock. Surely his grandmother was rich and mysterious. But her finding out about Jane and still being cool is shocking.

"How did you know about Jane?." Damien asked calmly.

"She's here in this country with you as a secretary and you can't approach her?." Mrs sterling asked.

"I wanted to give her some time. Mr Austen didn't inform Jane about the contract. And it will be a shock to her if we just break the news unexpectedly. But putting Derek in the position to find out more about Jane is my biggest mistake ever." Damien ragged furiously.

"You did what?. Derek is dangerous Damien. Why would you let him handle your wife issue?. You have successful misplaced Jane's life in danger Damien. This is serious." Mrs sterling said with worry.

"I know grandma. But I just hope he take my warnings seriously." Damien said with gritted teeth.

"I hope so. Why don't you come over and have dinner with me son. It's been a while since we ate together." Mrs sterling said and they both went on to the dinner table to have dinner together.

Back in the hospital.....

After talking to Damien through the phone call, Derek smirk dangerously and walked into the ward to see the worried face of Jane.

"What's the call about?." Jane asked as Derek sat close to her at the bed.
"Oh please it's nothing. You don't have to worry your pretty head over nothing serious." Derek said sweetly.

Jane blushed hard at Derek comment. She smiled shyly and said gently.

"When will I be discharged from this hospital?." Jane asked.

"According to the doctor, you will be here for two days before you get better. You don't have to be afraid. I'll be here for you all the time." Derek said with a sweet smile.

"But I don't like it here. Being in a hospital reminds me of how my mom died after one week in a coma." Jane said sadly.

"I'm so sorry about your mom Jane. Losing someone close to your heart is painful. I never knew such an angel like you have gone through a lot." Derek muttered with sympathy.

"It does hurt. Especially when I was still a girl of twelve. I became so mean and arrogant all through high school. But anytime I flash back to the old days my mom will coddle me to sleep while reading me a bedtime story, I'll cry hard till I fall asleep." Jane narrated with tears streaming down her face.

Derek hugged Jane and tap her back gently as he console her with sweet words.

"It's okay Jane. I'm here for you. Cry no more. As far as we're together, everything will be okay sweetheart." Derek said and Jane cry even more.
And just like that, they stayed up late talking until Jane finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Jane woke up to see the gently eyes of Damien leaning in with curiosity. Jane was a little stunned at how melodiously beautiful he look up close. She stared into his deep blue eyes as she got lost in it.

But Derek suddenly open the door without knocking and startled them both. Derek face went red with jealousy. He faked out a smile and moved over to Jane side with a white bag of food in his arms.

"Good morning Jane. How was your night?." Derek asked as he try hard not to look upset in front of Jane.

"My night was great Derek. Why did you leave my ward unlocked?. What if I got kidnapped or murdered by someone?." Jane asked with a frown.

"I'm so sorry about that. I just left earlier to get you some food from the hospital restaurant down stairs. I didn't take long." Derek narrated.
Damien glared at the two people who kept chatting absent minded of his presence in their midst.

Damien suddenly tapped Derek arms and said gently.

"Meet me outside immediately." Damien said and left the ward.
Jane stared at Derek confusingly and asked.

"Why is boss Damien so mysterious and weird. Is there any problem between you two?." Jane asked. But Derek just laughed gently and replied with a calm facial expression.

"Damien has always been this way. And there's no problem between us. Beside..... You don't have to worry yourself up for nothing." Derek said and walked out of Jane ward. But immediately he close the door, his face became dark and dangerous. He turn to Damien like a demon and said hatefully.

"Why are you here in the hospital?. What do you want from us?." Derek asked angrily.

Damien totally lost it he hold Derek in his wrist and dragged him outside the hospital furiously.

"Can you hear yourself?. Jane is my life and she's already mine years ago." Damien yelled.

"She's yours years ago. But she's mine now. It would be best for you to choose someone else as your wife, and let me be with Jane who already love me......" Derek said but Damien fierce punch already met up with his face before he finish his statement.

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