Part 3: chapter 19

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*Ava at 17 above*

It was silent when I woke up. I didn't hear any kids running around. Nor Sebastian asleep still next to me. It was the last day of my rest time off and I'd be going to work tomorrow. I stretched in bed and let the cool morning breeze from the open window touch my face.

It was peaceful. Quiet. I almost thought it was a dream by how at peace I felt. No one was trying to kill me. Well, that I knew about. There was no evil magic under Hogwarts that was calling to me. What's left of it was now bouncing around inside of my 11 year old. He seems to have a handle on it unless he eats a lot of sugar.

I almost drifted off to sleep one more time when I finally heard a sound coming from the kitchen. I had a quick flash back from years ago when Newt appeared in my apartment as I got up and walked out of the room.

Instead of Newt however I just saw Sebastian. My Sebastian. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him and Eleazar arguing in whispers over something in the kitchen. Both were standing at the stove with their arms crossed bickering back and forth.

Anne who was sitting on the counter noticed me first and waved making both guys stop and look over towards me. "Mum!" Eleazar ran over and hugged me tightly. "Good morning."

"Good morning, honey." I bent over and kissed the top of his head. "What are you guys up to?"

"Im making dad make you breakfast since you go to work tomorrow."

"Ooo.. what's he making?" I looked at my husband hoping he made the one thing I would want.

He looked at me guilty, "pancakes..."

I stuffed down my sigh, "that's fine. I'm sure it'll taste great."

Sebastian quickly served me at the table before letting Anne down so she can get in her seat too. After he made sure everyone was served he sat across from me and waited for me to take my first bite. I slowly cut a piece and put the bite in my mouth while Sebastian's Eyes got wide.

"Well?" He asked softly.

I nodded slowly, "it's...Really good."

Sebastian jumped a bit in his seat before high-fiving Eleazar. "I'm so glad."

A little while later as I got Anne dressed for the day there was a knock at the door. Sebastian walked past Anne's open door to go answer it while I peeked out the door to try and see. I almost wanted to go grab my wand just in case but I tried my best not run and get it like a crutch.

"Hey!" Sebastian said cheerfully as the door opened wider.

Gus stumbled in first making a bee line to a like of Anne's toys in the corner. Who of course saw the baby going for them making Anne gasp and run over to keep her toys safe.

After Gus, Poppy and Ominis came in. Poppy hurried over to me and hugged me. "I hope you forgive me for not visiting. I didn't want you to have any excuse to get out of bed."

"I missed you!" I sighed as we hugged. Ominis hugged me next as Poppy told me about everything new Gus does now.

"Are you feeling better?" Ominis asked.

"I am. I know you can't tell but I don't have any new scars."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm going to ignore that. Mainly because I wasn't aware you had scars."

"Why are you guys here?" I asked them as I pulled Anne away from fighting Gus.

"Babysit," Poppy answered.


Sebastian touched the small of my back as he walked up next to me, "I owe you a date. And you are finally well enough to go out."

Overtaken, book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora