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tasia pov:

it was the day i started my new school

to say i am nervous was an understatement, im sweating balls here man

plus i could not sleep last night for some reason

i put on the clothes and started doing my makeup

"tasia if you dont hurry up were gonna be late" i heard tom yell from downstairs

shit i gotta hurry up

i brushed my hair and put on the shoes

grabbing my cigarettes and backpack i ran downstairs

"if you guys dont go now you, are going to be late" auntie said rushing us out

"im driving us today" bill said grabbing the keys

"i call the shotgun" tom yelled

"no im sitting there" i looked at him

"no, i already called the shotgun"

"im sitting in the passenger seat" i glared at tom

"okay fine" he huffed sitting in the back of the car muttering something about not being fair

well i could not care less

i pulled out my black malboro offering bill some

"thanks" he gestured to light it

i lit up both cigarettes and puffed the smoke out

"turn the radio on and give me a cig too" tom whined

"here you big baby" i gave him the cig and turned the radio on

some shit music was on the radio

we finally got to the schools building, god its too yellow

"go to the counselor and we'll wait for you here" bill pointed at a room

i knocked on a door that said 'counselor' in big white letters

i heard a faint "come in" and opened the door

"hi, im here to get my timetable" i walked into the room

"hi, yes what's your name young lady?" a woman probably in her 50s looked me up and down "your new right? we dont get much new students in the middle of the year"

"yes, my name is anastasia moore"

"ah so you're the famous moore" she whispered typing something in the computer  "here you go, have a lovely day!" she chirped handing me the papers

"thank you, you too" i responded

what does she mean 'you're the famous moore'???

bill snatched the timetable from my hands pulling me out of my train of thought

"oh we have almost everything together! except math and english" bill said happily


"tom what the hell are you doing!"bill smacked tom in the head who was looking at some girl

"ugh what you meanie?" tom rubbed his head

"which class do you have the first?" bill shacked his head at toms dramatics

"uh english" i looked down at my time table

"ugh i have maths, and im going to go or else the teacher is a real cunt and he will give me detention" tom groaned walking away

"well i have  to go too, see you next period, good luck!"

"yeah thank you"

i wanna go home

i wanna se my best friends

i dont want to be here

"well hello! you must be new" english teacher yelled when she saw me

ugh why yell? its eight in the morning

"yes hi"

"im mrs.hills introduce your self with the class please!"

whatever lets just get this over with

"class" mrs.hills yelled "quiet down! we have a new student she'll introduce herself!"

everyone stared at me

god i hate this

"hi im tasia" thats all they're getting from me i don't want some idiot kids to now my life

"isn't she that girl from karrotz?" whispered some guy

"okay if thats it you may take a seat behind Gretchen, Gretchen raise your hand please, thank you!" this teacher is getting on my nerves.

the Gretchen or whatever raised her hand and god she looked like every mean girl from the movies

behind Gretchen was two empty seats so i sat in the one close to the wall

Gretchen turned to me and pulled a bitchy face

"just so you know the tom kaulitz is mine and mine only so if you ever think about getting close to him something bad will happen" she 'threatened' me so i laughed in her face

she turned to the board muttering "wierdo"


i decided to sleep the whole english period because why not?


school was boring.

i didnt even see that georg boy

bill said he didn't want to come to school today


i wanted to see him

school ended around 4 pm and i really wanted to take a nap

so tom quickly drove us home

i got out of my school clothes and makeup and took a big very much needed nap

all i wanted- georg listing Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz