Part 5

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Huang stood awkwardly for a minute while waiting for the idols to get to the other room. Technically he had no idea how long it would take, because, the phone they set up was one-way sound and video, so he just stood motionless for a couple minutes.

"So, I'm going to start...?" He said, feeling slightly stupid about talking to, what felt like, no one. He turned on the music and stood in the middle of the room. Then he began to dance.

No. he wasn't just dancing. he was performing.

He chose to dance to Mic Drop, by BTS. It was one of his favorite songs, but sadly he never managed to perform it in public before. but, to Huang's surprise, for the first time while being watched, he felt himself moving to the music, not forcing out moves he was too frightened to do.

His dance practically embodied the hip-hop vibe that was playing. With quick, energetic, yet perfectly executed moves, he danced his heart out, barely remembering why he was dancing. The phone, through which multiple world-famous Idols were watching, didn't even cross his mind.

Half a minute after he finished the dance, all the Idols burst into the room.

"You were amazing!" Dae exclaims waving her hands in the air

"Incredible" Jong-in agrees "I was shocked" 

Billie and Bong-Cha nod enthusiastically. 

"Th-Thanks" Huang mumbled, blushing.

Dae squealed and hugged Huang excitedly "You are so awesome!" she yelled. Huang froze, taken aback by the sudden touch but then relaxes into her embrace.  Suddenly, Billie joins the hug as well "I'm a part of this too"He pouts " I also get hugs"

"Uh-not to ruin the mood..." Jong-in said, standing awkwardly next to  Bong-cha, the two of them with an air of people who do not enjoy being physical "But, well, this isn't helping anyone. I mean Huang still can't perform on stage and our problem is about Billie's Concert, not some live stream."

"Oh, I have a solution for that, I mean, no guarantee it will work, but I'm pretty sure it will," Billie said, a mischievous smile on his face. 

"I can't wait to hear this one" Bong-Cha sighed, shaking her head disapprovingly. 

Billie rolled his eyes "Shut up, you know I'm a genius and my evil plans always work"

"I found glitter in my hair last night. It's been two weeks since you had your genius idea to glitter bomb the group live" Dae said with a smirk

"I didn't think the glitter would be so fine!" Billie complained "But it worked! You can't deny it! people were talking!"

"At what cost?" Dae retorted "For once, I'd like to hear your 'master plan' before you put it into action."

Billie sighed "I would have told you guys anyway, it's not the kind of thing I could put in action without Huang knowing," He said under his breath "Follow me and I'll show you"

The group followed Billie to his bedroom and waited as he dug around in his enormous closet. After 15 minutes he finally turned to look at them with a huge smile on his face, headphones in one hand and a scarf in the other. "Tada! My master plan" He announced, grinning broadly at the group as he awaited applause.

The applause didn't come.

"What is it?" Jong-in asked

"Ugh, guys it's a blindfold and noise-canceling headphones!" Billie said, groaning "This way Huang could perform without feeling like anyone is watching him! He's proven that he can dance while knowing he's watched, as long as he can't see the people watching him. This way he'll be able to perform with me!"

"That's actually a good idea" Dae teased him "Who are you and what have you done with Billie?" 

"You suck" He answered her, before turning to Huang "Will you try it? Please?"

"I mean... yeah, I guess" It sounded like too easy a fix, but it might just be dumb enough to work

Billie clapped his hands "Turn around, I'll put it on you"

Huang turned around and Billie carefully put on the blindfold. He shivered as Billie's hand brushed against his back, his heartbeat quickening. Then the Headphones were placed over his ears. Two seconds passed and then the blindfold and headphones were immediately removed. 

"Yeah, we did not think this through," Dae said as she handed Huang the blindfold and headphones that she had just taken off him"How exactly are we going to figure out if this works in such a small room? I sure hope we weren't planning for him to dance here"

The other Idols laughed, and even Huang found himself letting out a slight chuckle at the mistake they made out of excitement. 

"Hey check it out, guys! We made Huang laugh!" Billie poked Huang's cheek his smile widening "Aw, you have the cutest laugh"

"He does have a cute laugh," Jong-in said cocking his head "The fans will love that"

"The fans will love him" Billie announces slinging his arm around Huang's neck, standing on his tiptoes while doing so.  " "He's so cute" he declares, drawing out the o in so

"The cutest" Dae confirms with a smile "To the training room!" 

Huang smiles, his cheeks blushing a crimson red. "Y-yeah! Let's try this out!" The five began to run to the closest dance studio, with huge grins on their faces. 

"Last one there is a rotten egg! Dae shouted, pulling ahead.

"That was a clear head start, cheater!" Bong-Cha retorted, speeding up in an attempt to get ahead of Dae. Huang, not interested in the race, allowed himself to fall behind, perfectly content with saving his energy for the dance that he was hopefully going to be able to perform. The 4 Idols turned a corner, and Huang followed suit... running straight into Jong-In.

"Woah! sorry!" Jong-in apologized as he attempted, and failed, to catch  Huang as he fell. 

"No apology necessary" Huang assured him, picking himself off the floor "Why'd you guys stop"

"They stopped because they are late to vocal lessons" a tall, disgruntled-looking, brunette man, was standing in front of the four Idols, who were suddenly looking very guilty.

"Sorry Lee" Jong-In apologized "We completely lost track of time"

"I've been waiting for you guys for half an hour," He said angrily "Alone with the producer! do you know how awkward and-and embarrassing that is?" 

Dae cursed

"We're so so sorry" Billie apologized "We totally forgot, really"

"Are the others not there?" Jong-in asked 

"No, the others are at the rapping lessons! Where Dae should be!" Lee snapped 

"We're coming right now" Billie promised "Don't worry, we'll tell the producer that we got stuck in the elevator or something"

"You better" Lee said with a glare, "come on, if we hurry they won't make us make up the lesson"

"We'll see you tomorrow !" Dae told Huang, handing him the blindfold and earmuffs, as the Idols followed Lee "Can't wait!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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