Romeo and Juliet

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I went downstairs. "Milo?" I yelled. To no recall, I went back upstairs. I went outside and grabbed my phone. I looked through all of the photos of me and my friend Aidyn knowing he's not here anymore, as I sat down on a branch on the tree. "What are you doing?" A rather familiar voice said besides me. I looked over and saw it was one only Milo.

"I'm looking through photos of my old friend" I said looking down. "What happened?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder. It was ice cold, like as if he were to be in winter his entire life. "My friend Aidyn, died before I ran away." I said staring at Milo. "Come on, let's get down" he said lending a hand.

I took his hand. Him leading me to the church. He sat down on a seat, as I copied. "What's that?" He asked looking at the book I have in my pocket. (It was one of the mini books) " oh this? It's a book, called Romeo and Juliet. It's one of my favorite books of all time.".

"Can I read it sometime?" He asked me. "Yeah of course you can, Milo" I said smiling. "What's it about?" "Well it's about these teens, who fell in love, but the girls father doesn't accept their relationship, so they kill themselves, so they could be with each other for eternity." I explained. I saw him drifting of in thought while looking at me.

"Well I got it go" I said kissing his ice cold cheek and leaving him speechless. "Bye.....?" I heard him mutter before I completely left. I walk into the house and go into the kitchen to make everyone lunch.

Just then the phone rang. "I will get it!" Rachel yelled. "Oh yes she's here." She paused listening to what the person on the other line was saying. "Faith! It's for you!" I walked over really confused. I took the phone and when I heard the voice on the other line made my jaw drop.

"Faith is that you?" My MOTHERS voice asked.

"Yes mother" I said. "Oh thank God! Are you okay? What were you thinking?! Running away? Really?" " I don't know what I was thinking okay?" I said. "Why are you all the way in Illinois, is my question." She asked. " I don't know" "okay well as long as youre safe with your aunt and uncle you should be okay. Okay well I'm gonna go now. Love you baby"

"I love you, too mom" I said before hanging up.

I got a sandwich out and started to eat that for my lunch.

I went back upstairs and started watching TikTok. "Hi" I said to I guessed who was Amyra in the corner of my room. "Hey" she said.

"Remember Olivia?' she asked. I nodded my head in confusion. "I keep on feeling like I see Olivia around the house and I feel like I'm going insane."

I put my blanket over me and said, "well I'm going to go to sleep. Take a nap", I said dozing off, hearing Amyra exiting my room.

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