Chapter 1

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I look up from my book to see who called my name.

"Krum." I respond.

He just stares at me, "Have you just come to stare at me? Because I'm sure you could've done that from a distance." I say with a mocking smile.

"Er.. Headmaster Antonov has requested to see you."

My smile falters, what could the headmaster want with me? "Oh, right. Well I'll be on my way, bugger off Krum" I wave my hand at him. He frowns a bit before turning around and walking out of the library.

I start to pack my things quickly and I immediately start to think of reasons why the headmaster would want to see me. The last time I spoke to Antonov was last year, when my brother ran away, he told me it would be an honor to put up my picture on the wall when I became queen. I thought it was a weird thing to say, like who just says that to a teenager?

I thought it was creepy, but not as creepy as when I found out how many people worshiped my family and I.

I don't understand this whole royalty thing or the reason behind it. It can be stressful at moments, knowing that one day the whole wizarding world will be under my command.

I dosed off and didn't realize that I had made it to the headmasters office. I stood there for a moment, maybe he wants-

I didn't get the chance the finish the thought when the door burst open. Staring back and me was Headmaster Antonov, "Ah Miss Black, we've been waiting for you" he says too enthusiastically.

We? I eye him carefully as I make my way into his office, Antonov following shortly. When I fully take in my surroundings I see that my mother is sitting down looking rather impatient.

"Mother?" I say warily as I make my way to the seat next to her. "Is everything okay?"

Before she can answer Antonov laughs, "No need to worry, your mother is just here to get your transfer documents."

What? Transfer? I look at my mother for any sort of confirmation.

"Yes." She looked between Antonov and I, " Your father and I have decided that it's best you transfer to Hogwarts. Now if we could get going we're already running late."

"Running late? What do you mean? It's the first week of December. Why would I tran-" Before I could finish Antonov cuts in.

"Right of course." He pulls out a folder with my name on it, "This should be all you need."

Very quickly my mother thanks him then turns to me. "We'll be going now." She then looks back at Antonov, "It's always a pleasure, Antonov." she forces a smile.

"We will be flooing home, your belongings will be collected and brought home by Kreature. Let get home, you have to be at the train early tomorrow."

She then walks toward the fireplace, she waits for me to step in beside her. She grabs a handful of floo powder and clearly says, "Grimmauld Palace"


Once we arrived and stepped out of the fireplace mother quickly made her way to the door.

"Go to your room, I will speak to you shortly"

"Okay" I nod. We had landed in my fathers study but he was nowhere to be seen which was strange. Father basically lives in his study. Maybe he's resting, his condition has been getting worse. He tries not to let it show, he doesn't want Reg and I to worry but we can still tell.

I start walking toward my room. I've always hated living in a palace, don't get me wrong this place is beautiful but there's just way too many rooms and floors. Luckily my room is not far from fathers study.

I open the door to my room and close it behind me, when I turn around I see Kreature, our house elf.

"Miss Aquila." He bows so low his nose is almost touching the floor.

"Kreature what have I told you about calling me that, please, call me Lyra"

"Kreature is sorry miss Aqu- Lyra. Kreature has brought your trunk from school miss."

I look around my room and see my trunk by my bed.

"Has mother told you why I am here?"

"Kreature is not allowed to speak of the matter until Miss Walburga speaks to you"

Strange. Kreature always calls mother Queen Walburga.

"Well thank you Kreature, you may leave now, I will call for you if I need anything" I smile at him.

Just as he disappears with a loud pop the door to my room opens. I turn around to see mother looking at me with a stern look.

"Is something wrong mother?" I ask.

She looks annoyed. "Aquila, your father passed away last night."


i know this is a short chapter, i'm just playing around with ideas right now. :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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