Point of no return only part

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Ben: Seriously? No service?
Mick: Same.
(Ally sits in her aunts arms while they land)
Mick: ally look we made it back home to mommy and olive your alright honey
Ally: I want my mama
Mick: I know you do kiddo only a couple more minutes
Ben: yeah! See, buddy? No reason to be scared. We made it. It's okay. We're home.
Cal: I wasn't afraid of the flight. I don't want to be in New York. This is where I have cancer. No more school, no more anything. I don't want to die.

Ben: Morning. Milk, no sugar.
( Laughs ) ( Chuckles )
Grace: Well, whatever you are about to ask for, the answer is yes.
( Chuckles )
Ben: Well, actually, I'm the one saying yes. You're right. Cal should go back to school... get his new normal on.
Grace: He's gonna be so happy.
Ben: On one condition. We need our life back, too. I mean, how long has it been since you and I went out to dinner?
Grace: My time or yours? ( Chuckles ) Forever.
Ben: Olive can babysit. You and I... tonight... ( Chuckles ) ...date night. ♪ ♪
Grace: Are you sure? Your new job has been keeping you so busy...
Ben: There's nothing more important than us... our family. Are we on?
Grace: I'll make a reservation.

Cal: I'm fine. I feel good.
Grace: You do feel good. So, first day at school... are you nervous?
Cal: No.
Ben: All right. Your mom's gonna take you on her way to work.
Cal: I don't need a ride. I'll walk with Olive. Backpack and shoes, let's go.
Olive: Guys, it's six blocks, and it's the same campus. He can come with me.
Grace: After everything he's been through, I just want to make sure he's gonna be okay. Olive: He'll be fine. Okay, the last thing he needs is the mommy-drop. First he was the cancer kid. Now he's the 828 kid. Let him just show up on day one being normal.
Ben: All right, but if you see anything strange or if Cal gets sick again, you've got...
olive: I'll call and text and Snapchat. Relax. ( Scoffs )
Ben: The wisdom of a 16-year-old.
Ally: mama am I go with you
Grace: yeah sweetheart is that ok?
Ally: yes mama
Grace: ally can you go get mr bear and your iPad
Ally: ok mama
(Ally jumps of the chair walking to go get her bear)
Ben: when did she stop using her high chair
Grace: today she wanted to sit by her big brother
Ben: but she's only two
Grace: Ben yeah she is two I don't think she needs her high chair anymore
(Ben starts to act all sad)
Ben: my baby is growing up
Grace: I know we might even need to go to a big girl bed after your word about her climbing I caught her trying to climb out this morning
Ben: that's creative do you want to go and look for a bed after work and I'll build it tomorrow
Grace: ok that sounds like a good plan but I do hope the transition is easy on her
Ben: what's the worse that can happen
(Grace looks at Ben with a grin)
Grace: your on night duty I'll be nap
Ben: wait what
(Mick walks in while grace laughs at Ben)

Mick: Am I still driving you? Can we get going?
Ben: Good morning to you, too.
Mick: Sorry. It's just... I'm trying to get Jared out of my head, and the captain insists we ride patrol together.
Grace: Maybe it's Jared who's insisting. I got to get ready and get ally ready. Have fun at work.
Ben:  Hey. See you tonight.

(Ally is playing with random things she finds around the shop)
Grace: Okay, start at the beginning. You walked him in...
olive: Yep... dropped him off at his classroom. Mrs. Henry was super excited to see him. I'm gonna find him at lunch. Okay? All good. Now, let me see.
Grace: Okay, well, I don't know...
( Laughs ) No?
Olive: Mom, i-it's date night. You're not going to church.
Grace: Okay, okay.
Olive: I like it, by the way. Date night. You and Dad used to do it every Friday when we were kids, remember?
Grace: And Grandma and Grandpa would babysit. Of course I remember. Let me call you right back, okay?
( Cellphone beeps )
Grace: Lourdes. Hi.
Lourdes: Hi. I've been meaning to call, see how you're adjusting with everything.
Grace: Oh, good. I mean, life is definitely way more hectic, but in a great way.
(Grace looks into the basket)
Lourdes: Way to make things even more awkward, Lourdes.
Grace: No, I'm sorry. So not my business. Lourdes: Jared and I always said once I got my Master's, we'd start trying, and my thesis just got approved.
Grace: Congratulations.
Lourdes: Yeah. ( Laughs )
Grace: That's amazing. It's exciting.
Lourdes: Thank you. And maybe a baby! Maybe.
Lourdes: Family. ( Laughs )
Ally: mama can I get this
(The young girl holds up a toilet brush)
Grace: ally no honey that's not a toy go put that back please
(Both of them laugh)
Lourdes: gosh she's the exact same
Grace: I know she hasn't grown at all makes me sad to see her grow
Grace: ally come here baby
Ally: what mama
Grace: do you remember Lourdes auntie micks best friend
Ally: kinda, hi
( the young girl waves at Lourdes)
Lourdes: hi honey
Grace: we'll we better get back to shopping this little girl is upgrading to a big girl bed
Lourdes: oo yay that's so exciting
Ally: mama I found bed
Grace: bye Lourdes
Lourdes: bye grace, bye ally
Ally: bye bye
Grace: so where is this bed you found honey
Ally: right here mama
Grace: good job baby it's perfect for you
(Grace and ally make there way home and grace puts the box up into ally's room)
(Couple hours later)
(Mick walks in)

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