The Fall of the Illusionist

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In a realm of delusion, a man sought his throne, Yearning to be worshipped, to claim his own.
But in his heart's depths, a void was sown, Craving validation, his true self unknown.
He demanded reverence, to be treated like gold, While denying others the respect they were owed. Boosting himself up, his ego uncontrolled, Yet deep down, seeking approval untold.
He'd put on a show, with his boys in tow, Seeking admiration, the spotlight aglow.
But lost in his fantasies, the truth began to show, A man drowning in insecurities, refusing to let go.
He craved control, yet recoiled at the same, Wanting dominance, but resisting the game. Speaking over others, with arrogance aflame, Yet hating when his voice was challenged, tamed.
He saw himself as a prize, above the rest, Yet beneath the facade, a coward's unrest.
Begging for attention, his soul's desperate quest, Yearning to be chosen, though he failed the test.
In his misguided pursuit, he failed to see, That true worth isn't in begging, nor decree.
For better men existed, far wiser and free, Seeing through his charade, his true self they'd see.
So, the man who demanded allegiance and more, Found himself longing for what lay beyond his door. In his plea for love, his desperation wore,
As the truth prevailed, he was nothing to adore.

-Merisa Biscette

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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