Chapter 13 - Hiding

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The higher rank officer had a look of rage on his face, as he stood up pulling the old man also, by his collar.

"What the fuck?! You don't have a son. Neither any other child. You were not even married, nor, has adopted one"

When the officer spilled out the beans, the old man gulped down his saliva as sweat started forming on his forehead as his little truth, might actually be a bigger one, getting opened up.

"Then how come, you saved some money, from their income. And even if you did have one, secretly, then why would you even chop woods for money?!"

The officer gripped the old man's collar tightly, demanding the answers. One thing was sure,

This man was hiding something from them.

"Answer me?!"

The old man, shakily nodded his head. Both of them, sat back down to their seats as the much elder one, spills the truth.

"I have no one. Ever since i was born, my parents abandoned me. I was left in a orphanage...
I was starved, beaten and was shouted at. No one, not even one person... Stood up for me. What wrong did i do? Was it because, i was black? Belonged to a certain part of the community?" The old man started to utter out, all the pain, he has to face.


In the same station, in another room, where there was still a part of investigation going on.

The room was completely silence, except for the typing words and slight sipping noises, probably, the coffee that they were having in the moment.

A young officer, who has been given this case, the very moment he had stepped into the office. The case which promised him, for a promotion, not minding, that he has joined the office recently.

His eyes widened comically, when he got to know about a clue, that might help them in a case.

That clue said,

The old man, has once worked as an assistant to the very famous, Dr. Leiom, a scientist.


Back in the school, where the students were unaware of the fact that, in this point of time, most of the people in the city, had, almost no chance of survival.

The atmosphere here in this particular hallway, seemed suffocating. As the students seemed to be completely tense about their entire situation.

Hoseok, a character in this story, which might not have been introduced properly by me,  was the person, who provided them help in this tough situation.

That was because, he has noticed around 8 fire extinguisher in a box, the fact that, the entire building is a place of arts and computer.

Arts for any oils or liquids that may be explosive and the computer for the various devices, that were provided.

He quickly handed the 8 strongest of them all, a fire extinguisher each. The other people just standing scarred to move another inch.

The 8 of the people including, Jin, rm, hope, Kai, Jungkook, Jackson, Jimin, Bogum.


Hello guys, today's chapter is a bit shorter. Please do correct if any mistakes are found.

Regarding the new ff (demon x human), i am working on it. It will be posted shortly.

Also, vote and comment. It motivates me.

Stay safe!


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