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 The fight went on for a while, the friend group cheering their friend on the entire way. It was down to the last fight, and this was the winning point. Everybody was watching intensely, partly leaning over the mental banister to get a better view.

''It's so close!'' Justine yelled, looking at her friends.

''Kenny will win!'' AJ cried. ''GO ON, KEN!''

''YOU GOT THIS, MAN!'' Chunkz called as he clapped.

Anisa looked at them all - they all looked so excited for Kenny. She obviously was, but she was glad to see that everybody else was. She looked at Niko who was yelling something encouraging, and she felt happiness stir inside her. He looked at her for a moment, a smile on his face.

''What?'' he asked.

She smiled. ''Thank you for talking to me, and inviting me.''

Niko put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer as he clapped again. She stumbled slightly, laughing as she copied him. They were both talking lightly, not taking their eyes off the ring, when Kenny stepped forward and punched his opponent. The guy dropped to the ring, and Kenny looked to the judge.

The judge came into the ring, timing it correctly and then stood up.


Kenny's hands flew to his mouth for a second, and he cheered as the crowd went crazy. Sharky, Niko and AJ pushed passed the metal banister, trying to reach their friend, but were stopped by security before they could reach Kenny.

The judge lifted Kenny's arm into the air, naming him as the winner, and everybody cheered again. He spoke to the judge, and then walked down from the ring. He met his friends, who all pushed past the banister again, and they all group hugged.

''We're so proud of you, Ken.'' Phoebe smiled.

''I can't believe I won!'' Kenny laughed.

''Believe it because it's real!'' Sharky replied.

''We all know you could do it, brother.'' Niko grinned.

The group pulled away, and everybody began to leave the arena. As everybody left, the group got split up, and reporters were trying to pull the rest of the beta squad members for interviews. Hundreds of people were trying to talk to Kenny, but he wasn't interested in any of that right now. 

He looked around for Anisa, who was already looking at him. She smiled, and began to walk towards him and he rushed towards her. He kissed her cheek before pulling her into him, and she put her arms around him. 

''I knew you would win.'' she said.

He pulled away slightly, looking at her face. ''You're clean?''

She nodded. ''I'm sorry I messed up...will you take me back?''

Kenny scoffed lightly. ''You don't even need to ask.''

''So, you'll be my boyfriend again?'' 

''Of course. I told you...I was waiting for you.'' 

''I'm so glad because-'' she hesitated.

''What?'' he asked.

She kissed him, and then looked at him. ''I love you, Kenny.''

''I love you too, Nisa.'' he said. They kissed again, and then he put his arm around her shoulders as they began to walk out of the arena. 

''Kenny! Kenny, can we interview you?'' a reporter cried, appearing in front of them.

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