Chapter 16

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AAAAH GUYSS!! IM ON WHATS HOT 789!!! I know im overreacting becuase 789 is hardly any good but I CANT BELIEVE IM ACTUALLY ON WHATS HOT LIST AT ALL!!! And you know what its not because of me.. ITS BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS!! I love you fans and readers soo much its actually insane. i actually appreciate your help and support SOO SOO MUCH. I honestly love writing but I gave up hope for many stories on wattpad, because I simply thought nobody was gonna read them, but passion was something completely different!! So guys I actually beg you, please continue supporting me and keep voting and recommend I really really really want to be higher up on the list!! lol. It would be like a dream come true!

Your comments are so fun to read and if I by any chance don't reply (it happens often) its not becuase Im a big fat pigheaded meanie but because I want to quickly type my story and impress you guys more and more!!

So I bet Im boring you guys to death..... so let's begin!!


A month had passed since Blaze had made his promise to me to return Candy and so far no luck.. I had begun to think he had forgotten or was lying just to get into my pants. I wanted to cry, all the relief and happiness that had washed over me was fading away, but I still kept a flicker of hope lighting my heart. Blaze was cocky, arrogant and rude but he wasn't heartless.. I knew somewhere inside that muscled chest was a heart big and strong. And it would have been a different story if Blaze was actually acting like my Mate. He had returned back to sleeping with Candy, making out and touching her inappropriately in front of everyone. He didn't stop anyone from ordering me around; which everybody but Zack and Gale did. Candy wasn't acting like a bitch around me though, I knew she missed Jace, and she was only using Blaze to take her mind off but she didn't realise that that was my mate she was kissing and making out with.  

I had been pretty thin from the start so as I reached my second and a half month, a small bulge was visible. But nobody knew anything about the baby apart from Zack, Gale and Blaze's parents. I didn't know what Blaze's reaction would be but I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

I made my way downstairs from the guest room; Blaze had let me stay there from our second night of you know what, and I was glad, the room was cozy and light. I didn't stop at the lounge, knowing I would see something painful there and made my way straight to the ornate kitchen. Making eggs, bacon, coffee and arranging them as a platter. I was in routine now. After cooking and giving them breakfast, I would clean the many glasses of the house then go down once more to collect the dishes and wash and dry them, putting them away. After I would vaccuum, whilst the others' apart from Blaze at times would go for some unknown 'meeting.' When Blaze was at home I tried all that I could to ignore him, but when the misfortune came and I bumped into him, I'd look down and respond to whatever he would say. When it was near 1 o clock, I began preparing lunch, then when the lunch was cooking or baking i would clean and dust the kitchen, wiping the granite counters and then would move onto the bedrooms, scrubbing them clean until sweat trickled down my forehead, then bfore they would come back I would quickly clean myself, wash my face brush my hair etc etc, or else they'd make a fuss about a dirty person making their food or something. I would then go down, set the dining table with plates and when they all arrived and sat down on their chairs, apart from Candy who was mostly situated on Blaze's lap,I served them starters, main course then dessert, then drinks. After they would eat I would pick up the dishes, wash, dry etc. Then I would clean the lounge, lean down quietly on the carpet whilst they watched TV. When that was done, my chores would be finished, until I remembered washing the clothes. I would go around to all their bedrooms, pick up their dirty clothes and throw them in the washing, and whilst waiting for those to complete washing, I would iron the clothes from the day before.

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