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She changed

She changed

She really changed

David heard a knock on the door and sat up quickly from the bed he laid on

Calm down David, don't be scared it's just a measly pest

I'm the vampire king I fear no one I can make her bend to my will as quick as I want David chanted in his head trying to assert his dominance to himself

A sky smirk covers David's face at the thought, now she is a vampire she'll understand she needs me, David laughed out loud but was quickly interrupted by the quiet knock on the door

David used my speed to the door and pulled it open

"What do you want" David yelled harshly in the face of the person who opened the door. David looked down and saw a small woman with glasses perched on her nose shivering in fear while mumbling

"M-m-my ki-king" she stuttered

The smell of her fear pungent in the room and made David almost moan

What a sicko the small girl said in her head

"Sicko you say" he says with a scary smirk on his face that sends shivers down her spine

"I'm sorry my king I have not been having control of my thoughts lately" she said giving a lame excuse to which David rolls his eyes

She'll pay for that

"Why are you here" He asked sternly

"Sir I just came to tell you that all research towards why she changed lead to a dead end" she managed to whimper out

Useless human David said bitterly in his head

It's what I get for wanting to keep a juice pack around, he thought with high irritation

David walked around the bed room with light grey walls and thought of adding a touch of read to them

"Kneel" David commanded with such authority dripping from his tone that she dropped to her knee immediately causing and excruciating pain to travel through her thighs

"Crawl to me" he commanded once again with menace dripping from his tone

She crawled in submission with her head to the floor and dared not to look up, once she reached him, she attained a submissive position with her resting on her thighs and her neck bare to him with her eyes down

Oh what a good thing he thought happily

"Kiss my rings" he whispered hoarsely that if you weren't listening intently you wouldn't have heard it

The small woman Orianna shivered with fear of what was to come

"My king-" she tried starting but was cut off with a slap, so harsh she could taste blood in her mouth and could feel a cut on her lip

"I never asked you to talk did I " he asked with so much aggression

"Kiss my feet" he said once again, without thinking twice she did it as she was doing as she was told she felt a harsh tug from her hair and was thrown off his shoes

He used his vampire speed and met her up and slammed her to the wall that her blonde hair was stained red and so were the grey walls

Pretty David thought what a beautiful touch of red to such a dull room

"Oh you little maggot, you called me a sicko right" he asked her with anger as his fangs peeked out

Orianna shook worse than a leaf as fear consumed her body

Fear consumed her as the king shoved his head in her neck and bit a chunk out as she screamed out in the palace hoping for help but no one came. She sobbed like a baby when she felt the blood gushing out

"As you may know I'm a messy eater " he smiled genuinely and started his meal

Human, Vampire and Werewolf's present in the palace could hear the heart wrenching scream of the lady but carried on as though it was something regular which to them it was

"Patience" A maid called out

"Yes madam" the girl named patience muttered weakly

"Inform the guards of the use of another human in the household and prepare a mop,bucket and bleach and clean up the room of the king after he is done " she instructed

Not to long after that the screams died down and once again the palace was quiet

To those who were kind enough wished the young woman peace as her soul left the earth in such a cruel way

Patience made her way to the guard with tears in her eyes but quickly brushed them off

Oh what an innocent thing she thought sympathetically

Once she informed the guards she made her way to the room making sure it was empty and entered inside

The moment she did she fell to the floor with a heart wrenching sob that could be recognized as one from a broken heart

"Mate" she whispered sadly as she looked at the flesh, bones and blood spread across the room

Her wolf curled up into a ball in her head and howled in sadness and she howled out loud in her human form

Without much thought patience changed her fingers to claws and pulled out her own heart, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her dead body laid beside what was supposed to be her mates head but was nearly recognizable

The king recognized such a howl and cackled sickly to himself

"Joy" he said as he rinsed the blood of his body from his latest escapade


Hey peaches

I missed you guys so much and I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I was busy with my final exams but now I have a little space between so I decided why not publish

Guess what peaches ???

We're almost up to 1k

I can't believe it I'm so happy that words can't explain it 🌝🌝🌝☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

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