Ch. 0: Same Story, Different Dance... or So it Seemed

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3rd Person POV

Humanity. A species unlike any other, capable of great thinks. Art, culture, religion, government, war. For centuries, they have been the dominant species, constantly reshaping the world around them, their core reason being their beliefs. Their faith and trust in an unseen force, protecting them from harm, providing them great bounties, delivering them from evils, and guiding them to a next life. For those same centuries, these forces remained just that, unseen. That all changed in 1187 AD. In search of new land to increase their Empire, the Japanese ventured Southeast into the vast ocean. After sailing for seven days, they came across a series of rocky cliff islands surrounded by a massive barrier reef.

Inside the reef, the water instantly calmed, its crystalline surface sparkling under the sun and showing of the beautiful florescent and white corals

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Inside the reef, the water instantly calmed, its crystalline surface sparkling under the sun and showing of the beautiful florescent and white corals.

Inside the reef, the water instantly calmed, its crystalline surface sparkling under the sun and showing of the beautiful florescent and white corals

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These islands became known as Kaishoku Gake, or Sea Cliffs. Living amongst the rock faces and crystalline caverns were the mysterious Metkayina people, or as the Japanese called them, Dākuerufu. Skilled hunters in the water and the darkness of the caves, they had built civilizations of cave-cities deep within the crystal caverns. When the Japanese soldiers arrived, they, albeit cautiously, taught them. They taught them how to hunt the reefs, how to navigate the caves, how to speak their language, Qwen'vi, and how to mine the crystals that made up their weapons and armor. This peace did not last, however. Soon, soldiers from Japan arrived and wrestled control away from the Metkayina. The tribal leaders, in an attempt to preserve their people, retreated further into the caverns and rebuilt their lives in the darkness. Decades later, and peace was once again beginning to bloom between the two factions. Soon, a new race was born, assimilating the best parts of both cultures and peoples, the Mandalorian. With the knowledge of life on the Kaishoku Gake in their blood, and with the Warrior ways of the Japanese that came from beyond, the Mandalorians quickly built a civilization that quickly evolved into an Empire. The world watched in fear as Mando'a became known across the world, but panic they did not. Like all empires before, they would eventually collapse. But it did not, for the citizens of the Empire had a secret. Their Gods were real and walked amongst them, Blessing them with control over the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Over time, the Empire relinquished their control over much of their territory and returned to their homeland. This is where our story takes place. From a rich history of warriors and spirits, this is the story of the Sakura Empire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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