Part 1: Tsugikuni

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(A/N): This is sometime before the Uchiha massacre. In this AU Itachi doesn't massacre the clan.

The streets of Konohagakure no sato were filled to the brim with people. Some of the people were out to get some supplies while most were rushing to the academy. The children had made it. However, one Tsugikuni Akio was nowhere to be found.

A ravennete boy rushes to the academy. He had red tips on the ends of his hair, piercing red eyes and a strange birth mark on his forehead. 'I'm gonna be late!' He thought to himself while running faster. 

He leaned his body forward and Tipped his head downward to increase his aerodynamics and bumped into somebody. He looked up, "Gomen'Na- Eh? Akio?" 

It was Uchiha Tsuki. The current top girl student of his academy year and the daughter of the clan head. She was a fair skinned girl with black hair and black eyes. "Tsuki? I thought I was the only one running late for the academy." He said in his usual monotone.

Her cheeks turned red from embarrassment, "I may have trained too hard last night and fallen asleep in the training ground." She said sheepishly while rubbing the back of her head.

"Relatable. I guess let's go now. Iruka's gonna kill us if we are late." He said offhandedly as he walked to the academy which was conveniently right in front of the duo.

"Lets go then" Tsuki remarked as she walked besides her childhood friend. They went inside the academy and as soon as Akio slid the door open, the two were swarmed by fanboys and fan girls.

But the fan girls and boys stopped when they saw the two of them had come in together. They immediately swelled up with jealousy and just stood still, planning the duo's demise.

Shichikatsu sweat dropped, "Well that just happened." He said in an overly sarcastic voice. 

He took a seat next to his friend Shkamaru Nara and Satsuki followed. He was about to start a conversation with the lazy genius when they heard a loud stamping noise and muffled bickering. 

Tsuki muttered, "Here we go again." While face-palming. Fully realising what was about to happen.

The door swung open revealing a pink haired girl with green eyes wearing a long red dress and a blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a purple dress. "Back off Ino-pig I made it first." The pink haired one said/screamed.

"Stop bluffing forehead! I made it first. Your forehead is so big it made it look like you were ahead of me." The two bickering made Akio's naturally sharp and sensitive ears hurt. He looked at Tsuki with a look that screamed 'help'.

Tsuki sighed, she brought out two earplugs and plugged his ears. He sighed with relief and gave a quick thank you to Tsuki.

The two suddenly stopped bickering and searched for Akio and saw him with his ears plugged, asleep besides Shikamaru. "AKIO-KUN!!" The two screamed  as they marched towards Akio. They screamed so loudly even using earplugs wouldn't help poor Akio's ears.

The two girls were about to jump on top of Akio but were interrupted by a punch to the face from a certain ravennete kunoichi. "Stay away from Akio would you?" She said in a sweet voice with a sadistic smile which promised pain.

The two girls shivered from fear and quickly backed off and went to harass Uchiha Sasuke. Then, a certain knuckle-head blonde ninja climbed onto the trio's bench. "NOW WHATS SO SPECIAL ABOUT YOU MR. ROOKIE OF THE YEAR!" He asked (more like shouted) at Akio.

Akio just looked up at  Naruto, looking slightly annoyed from his loudness. "Nothing really. It's called talent you probably don't know it, dobe." He replied in a monotone.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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