Chapter 2

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"This is my one and only wish"

Author Pov

The next day Heart woke up due to the sun peeking through his curtains. He was about to go back to sleep when he suddenly felt a vibration coming from his phone.

New message from Li ming❤️

Li ming❤️: Hey do you want to go to the temple with me in about 30 minutes?

Happy_Heart☀️: sure I'll meet you out front.

Heart quickly got out of bed and took a shower.  He put on a gray button up and jean pants before heading out the door. He decided to sit on a bench while waiting for Li ming. He began to look up to the sky, and for a few seconds all of his worries washed away. He was lost in thought when he suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him.

He looked down to see that Li ming had finally arrived, and was waving at him with a large smile on his face. He hurriedly got on the bike and they both drove off. After about 10 minutes they arrived at the temple. It was a huge structure with many different levels, and a small lake surrounding it.

They entered once again holding hands. Heart sat on the ground and was about to start praying when Li ming suddenly tapped his arm. "Hey I'm sorry about yesterday I shouldn't have disregarded your feelings like that." He signed.

"It okay, I was being a little dramatic yesterday." Heart replied. They both smiled at each other feeling relieved that the tension between them was finally gone. They then got back to their main focus, praying.

Li ming placed a bouquet of flowers next to the Buddha statue. And then they both pressed their hands and head to the floor, and prayed. After 2 minutes their session was finally over. "Hey before we go do you want
to make a wish?" Li ming asked. Heart excitedly nodded his head.

They both grabbed three incense sticks from the corner of the room. Together they lit them up and sat on the floor once again. At first Heart wasn't sure what he would wish for. All he knew was that he needed something in his life that could benefit both him and Li ming. But then it hit him, what he needed was a do-over.

Heart's pov

I don't think I've ever wanted something so much until now. Everyday whenever Li ming and I go out I always feel guilty towards him. I know that if it wasn't for me he wouldn't get weird looks at the mall or on the street. I just feel like I'm holding him back from achieving his dreams. He's only talked about singing a few times but I will never forget the look in his eyes when he first told me. It was like there was thousands of stars shinning inside of them.

I would do anything just to hear what his voice sounds like. I hope I can be able to hear it someday. I wish that in some other universe Li ming and I wouldn't have to worry about weird looks , or finding movies to watch that have captions. I know that this might seem dramatic but please this is my one and only wish.

Author pov

Heart then blew out all three of the sticks and opened his eyes. He felt a strong breeze on him for a quick second but didn't think too much of it. He then looked over at Li ming to find that he was staring at him. "What were you wishing for that took so long? He asked with a smile on his face. "Nothing important, we should probably go since it's getting late." Heart replied.

Li ming drove him home and wished him a goodnight when they arrived at his house. Heart walked inside his house feeling exhausted from the long day he had. He greeted his mother and then quickly went up to his room. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. It's a good thing he did cus he has a long day awaiting him tomorrow....

A/N: Hi sorry if any of the temple stuff is incorrect. I'm an atheist so I just looked up all the stuff online😭

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