Part 11- Valentine

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"Y/n? Y/n?" I hear MJ call to me, snapping me out of my trance.
"Hm?" I ask giving her as much attention as I can.
Despite my efforts to be invested in a conversation with my best friend my mind continues to wander to the file hidden under my pillow. The file on me, the file on my brother, the file on my mom.

"Am I really that boring?" MJ jokes.
I offer her a friendly smile, "So incredibly boring I'd almost rather listen to Ned try to explain magic with science."
She laughs, "Wow, that's low."

"What were you talking about?" I ask.
"You being Peter's girlfriend."
"I'm not his girlfriend."
"But you're more than friends. Anyway, after this date I bet you will be."
I smile. I honestly don't mind the fact that Peter moves quickly. He's transparent and I love that about him. The only thing holding me back is me.

"Well what about you?" I deflect
She sighs, "There's just no Westleys out there."
I laugh, "he sets such a high bar."
"He's so hot."
"Who are you talking about?" Peter asks sliding in the bench across from us.
"Me obviously." Ned says sliding in next to him.

MJ shoots me a mischievous sideways smile, "what do you guys think about magic? Y'know, since we know it's real now."
Ned's face lights up, "I'm actually glad you ask."
Peter sighs and buries his head in his hands.
"I hate you." I mutter to MJ.

Ned begins to drone on about magic, probably endlessly, and I can see regret sparkle in MJ's eyes.
Peter leans across the table, "Are you excited for tonight? This one is going to be the most special yet."
Peter and I had been on a few dates since he told me he liked me. Each and every one perfect. He took me on dates that would make my favorite characters, and most girls I've met, swoon. My favorite date was the one where we went to McDonald's and ordered 20 Happy meals, much to the worker's frustration, and then to the arcade where I absolutely crushed him at dance dance revolution.
"What are we doing this time?" I ask with a smile.
He returns my smile with a hint of mischief, "Surprise."
"I don't know why you keep asking."
"Because I hate surprises."
"Then why do you keep showing up?"
"Because I don't hate you."

"Just kiss already."  The janitor chimes in while he sweeps under an unused table.
A furious blush breaks out across Peter's face, and I laugh.
The janitor looks at Peter expectantly, and Peter diverts his eyes to the table. I give him a small peck on the cheek.
The janitor scoffs, "Kids."

Once he wonders out of sight Peter brings his eyes back to mine, "That guy must be like, 95."
I cock my eyebrow, "oddly specific."
He shrugs, "I'm good at guessing."
I laugh, "I swear I've seen that same guy a million times."
Peter laughs along, "he looks exactly like my mailman."

I knock and after a moment Peter's Aunt opens the door.
I offer her a smile, "Hello Mrs. Parker-Jameson."
She pulls me into a hug which I gingerly reciprocate. I found that they put people at ease however uncomfortable they make me feel.
"Please, just May honey." She tells me.
"Is Peter ready?"
"He will be in a minute I'm sure, you know how high maintenance he can be."
I laugh.
"Come in." May says stepping out of the doorway.
"Thank you."

Peter peeks his head out of his door, "Y/n?"
He slides the rest of the way out into the hall. He's wearing a old sweatshirt and a pair of jeans that are just a little too big. I think he looks adorable, as always, but I'm not sure why it took him so long to get ready.
"Why do you always come here instead of letting me pick you up?" He asks.
Because you can't see my house or my family.
"Because I don't conform to societal norms."
He smiles, "You spend too much time with MJ."
"Can't ever spend too much time with your favorite person."
"Second favorite person." He corrects.
I smile, "Let's call it a tie."
He scoops my hand into his, "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be."

He grabs a bag from next to the door on the way out. In the hall, he stops and looks around.
"Just give me a minute." He says letting go of my hand.
I furrow my brow, "What are you doing?"
He whips his sweatshirt off revealing his Spider-Man suit underneath.
He pulls his mask down over his face and stuffs his clothes in the bag.
"What are you doing, Peter?" I reiterate.
"I'm not Peter, I'm Spider-Man." I can practically sense him smiling under his mask.

He puts the bag back over his shoulders and opens the hallway window.
"Do you trust me?" He asks.
"In general or right now?"
He climbs out the window and offers me his hand.
"You don't seriously expect me to jump out a window do you?" I ask incredulously.
"Just trust me." He asks.
I shake my head and allow him to help me out the window. Looking down makes me feel nauseous. Peter wraps his arm around my waist and he begins slinging us through the city. I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes willing us to be on the ground again.

After a few minutes we stop moving and Peter stands evenly, hopefully of the ground. I put my feet down to test the terrain.
Once I feel it's solid, I let go of Peter.
"Oh thank goodness." I mutter.
Upon opening my eyes, I find we are not in fact on the ground. We're on top of a building.
Peter grabs my elbow to steady me, "we're on top of stark tower."
"I think I'm going to be sick."
"Enjoy the view, I won't let anything happen to you."
I take a breath and sit down, trusting Peter to protect to. Even though I doubt I'd die falling from this height, I don't want to test the theory.

Peter lays out a blanket, fake candles, and miscellaneous food.
He proudly smiles up at me, "Do you like it?"
"Is this a picnic?"
"With a twist." He rubs the back of his neck, "MJ said you liked Romantic Comedies. I thought if I could outdo your expectations you might agree to be my girlfriend."
I sit down on the blanket in front of him, "I would've agreed either way, but thank you, this is wonderful."
He hands me the sweatshirt he was wearing earlier, "it gets cold up here, so you might need this."
I subtly take in the familiar scent from the hoodie. Peter always smells so clean, like a jug of laundry detergent.

I take a fruit roll up and glance out over the city, scooting a little closer to Peter as I do.
"The city looks so beautiful from here." I say in awe.
He rests his elbow on my knee, "This is my favorite place to be."
I glance at him over my shoulder, "thank you for sharing it with me."

"Well, if you're my girlfriend there's one more thing I'd like to do." He says borderline awkwardly.
I smile, "and that is?"
He shrugs, "Could I kiss you?"
I laugh, "You're such a dork. We've kissed before."
"But that was then and this is now." He reasons, "Plus, consent and communication are key to any healthy relationship."
"Dork" I repeat before guiding his chin so his lips lock onto mine.
He pulls away, face bright red, "your tongue is blue."
"The fruit roll up." I reason.
"You taste like blue raspberry." He cups my cheek in his hand and gently kisses me once more.

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