love when I'm with you

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It's the moment when you just got lost in yourself
You feel the touch of me and I crave the touch of you
Heart beats fast on every word, every touch
A cold shower to calm yourself down from that heat, from the craving voice and touch of yours
Made my favourite favourite food in Hope for me to come back but I'm still out out
Craving your voice and touch
The sense of touch I feel everytime when wind flow throw clear night sky
I glance on moon every once in a while just to see you
I just wonna go home and hug you , just to feel your touch, just to hear your voice
I just wonna feel the comfort whenever I'm with you in your arms
Your waiting for me to come back home
And here I'm waiting to go home
Waiting to meet you my lovely family💞The feelings I feel whenever I'm with you,
I can just melt in your touch
I can just blush in your one voice calling me
Hold me close
Just to get lost in thant moment
Stop the time I wonna stay like this forever 😸💞

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