Chapter 6: Telling him. Maybe Not.

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Chapter 6
::.After School.::
I shouldn't do this...No I have to. This is my only shot. No I can't... Okay, think it over. Just tell him and wait for him to respond or run. Running away sounds better. Yea. I'll just wait near the tree.
Sigh. I checked my phone again. Where is he? Didn't he want to know? It's been 2 hours. Well I guess that's a sign. I got up from the tree branch and walked home. Why am I even feeling sad. I knew he was going to do that. I should've seen it coming. Oh well. I sat down on the park bench pulling out a cigarette and lighter.
"Pretty girls shouldn't be smoking." I turned around and to see a green hedgehog that I knew very well. Scourge. He had on his casual red shades and black leather jacket with flames.
"Well I'm not a pretty girl so..."
"Who said you weren't pretty?" Scourge said taking a seat next to me. He also pulled out a cigarette. "Every girl in the class."
"Well there just jealous of you."
"Who would want to be jealous of me? I'm ugly! I'm too skinny and they don't have unwanted scars! Tell me, who would want to be like me?" I raised my voice smoking the cigarette and looking at the view of the sunset.
"But your not like the sluts in our school. Your chill, there not, your smart,there not."
"Yea well society sucks. Every girl is plain out stupid! Why can't they just leave me alone why do they have to pick on me! What have I done wrong to them!" I said turning my head to face him.
"What's the real reason you came here?" He asked while staring back at me. I took a while to respond,"Nothing really. I was just going to tell someone something but instead he bailed on me... But like I'm used to this kind of stuff. So no harm done, right?"
"Well he must've have something to do than just leave you there. Don't rush to conclusions," He said getting up from the bench. "Well, gotta go or else Fiona will get mad at me for being late for the date. Bye Pinky." He said waving off to me.
God I hate being called that.
"Kay, bye." I waved to him and got up the bench heading straight home.
I walked up the concrete steps that led to the front door. I took out my keys and opened the door and drop my backpack on the floor.
"Mom?!" I yelled,hearing my voice echo through out the house. I walked up the wooden steps and entered my room. I took off my hoodie and black long sleeve shirt. I walked to my closet and opened the little door and grabbed a sky blue baggy shirt. I then put it on and put my hoodie and long sleeve shirt in the dirty laundry basket.
I then walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I poured some milk and cereal in a green bowl.
"Finally,I can relax and eat my cereal in peace." I said while walking to the living room and turning on the tv. I flipped through channels until I came across Criminal Minds. I never really get to watch tv. I'm always locked up in my room reading fanficiton,drawing or painting. Or sometimes I would watch anime on my phone or read manga's.
A few minutes later I got bored of watching tv. I got up and went to the kitchen and washed my bowl and grabbed my backpack near the door.
I walked up the wooden steps and went to my room. I plopped myself on my bed.
My phone then vibrated from the nightstand.
I reached over and read the text message from sonic.
Sonic: Hey,sorry I didn't see you after school :/ I had to go to the hospital.
I then texted back; oh it's no problem. Don't worry about it.
Sonic: So tell me what you wanted to tell me.
I panicked. I hesitated a little and finally replied.
"Oh,never mind it wasn't big or anything so I just asked Maria for help." I finished typing and turned off my phone and plugged it to the charger.
I looked over to my left and checked what time it was. 7:45.
I sighed and got up from my bed and went to my little cabinet next to my closet. I opened the little white door and grabbed my art tools and canvas. I then grabbed my backpack that was near the door and grabbed my sketch pad.
I laid everything out and starting painting the midnight sky that I previous drew.

Normal POV.

Amy then looked at her clock on her nightstand. 9:50. She got up from where she was sitting and moved the canvas to the corner of the room.
Amy then jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone from her nightstand to the right. She turned it on and notifications were blowing up her phone.
"Not important," she said sliding to the left and pressing the cancel button. " Not important." She said for 2 notifications about jelly splash and clash of clans.
"Wait. Sonic?" She then unlocked her phone and went to iMessage.
Sonic: Hey meet me after school tomorrow.
The next was Maria asking if she would like to go to Mina's party she's throwing.
Amy: Uh you know I don't like parties.
Maria: Come on!! It will be fun!! Please! >.<
Amy:Fine .-. I have nothing to do this weekend anyway.
Maria: Thanks!! I'm also dragging shadow XD I'll text you the deats later gtg Bai!

Next was a group chat with Blaze,Maria, and Cream.
Blaze: Hey Amy the girls and I want you to come with us shopping this Friday!
Rouge: we have to shop for the party Mina is throwing next week.
Cream: And you don't have a choice. Cause we'll barge in and take you!
Amy smiled a little and laughed softly. She then started to type.
Amy: Fine,but make sure you don't make me wear anything girly.
Cream: Deal!!
Blaze: okay so Friday!
Rouge: Get your arms ready! We're going to be carrying a lot of bags.
Blaze: Night.✌🏻
Cream: GN✌🏻️
Rouge: ✌🏻️😘
Amy: Night guys👐🏻
Amy then groaned and plugged her phone on the charger.
She then got up and went to her drawer and grabbed her pajamas which were a grey hoodie and sweat pants. Amy then walked in the bathroom and brushed her teeth.
She then turned off her lights in the room and went to sleep,listening to You And Me by Disclosure on her iPod.

Oh lord it's been FOREVER since I last updated. I'm sorry. But hey I'm back. OH and listen to You and Me by Disclosure remix. It's a really good! Yea so, comment and rate. Thanks :)
Any questions? >>>>> on Instagram I reply faster there.
Bai guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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