Chapter 4

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(Serena) dad I think someone is in love

(Tamaki) in love?

(Serena) shi-ze and kuroko

(Tamaki) really? On your first day of school

(Kuroko) I think she could be the one dad

(Tamaki) your a second year student and already in love with someone

(Kuroko) you were the same one your second year with that one man who turned out to be a woman

(Tamaki) haruhi fujioka my best friend, a love of mine but I haven't seen her in over fifteen years I jest hope she's ok

(Shi-ze) Serena is messing with me jest because the girl I know is a friend

(Tamaki) it's ok son

(Kuroko) the girl I'm liking is named Naomi

(Tamaki) last name?

(Kuroko) she didn't say it, I accidentally bumped into her and stepped on her ankle

(Tamaki) a painful love at first sight

(Kuroko) yes

(Tamaki) *searching student information* son did the girl you meet have a blackish brown color hair and brown eyes?

(Kuroko) yes sir

(Tamaki) *turning computer* this girl?

(Kuroko) that's her

(Tamaki) I will do my research because she has the last name of my first love

(Kuroko) Naomi fujioka

(Tamaki) she is related to haruhi fujioka in some way but jest keep this between us son I have some people I need to talk to so you three get to class

(Shi-ze) yes sir, see you after two

(Tamaki) have a good day kids

(Serena) bye dad *walking out of office*

(Tamaki) *calling hikaru* hey hikaru

(Hikaru) hey boss

(Tamaki) I have something and you need to see this

(Hikaru) what's going on?

(Tamaki) it's something about haruhi I need you to see this

(Hikaru) I'll be on my way soon

(Tamaki) see you in a bit

*twenty minutes later*

(Hikaru) hey tamaki I'm here

(Arai) he brought extras

(Kaoru) hey tamaki

(Tamaki) theirs something I need you to see

(Arai) what is it tamaki?

(Tamaki) *turning screen* Naomi fujioka

(Kaoru) haruhi

(Tamaki) theirs some connection between her and haruhi some how

(Hikaru) well maybe ranka remarried and had a child it's possible

(Tamaki) but doesn't she look like haruhi more than ranka?

(Kaoru) she does but this girl is probably fifteen years old

(Arai) she's is the age of the same amount of years haruhi has been gone

(Kaoru) that's true

(Tamaki) haruhi had a child it's in the contact information mother haruhi fujioka relative ranka fujioka

(Arai) no father?

(Tamaki) it doesn't say

(Kaoru) how did you even discover this girl?

(Tamaki) my son came in saying she was his love at first sight I did my research and found her

(Hikaru) we need to get everyone down here they need to see this too

(Tamaki) it's the first day of school and it's already eventful

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