Chapter 2- Get In Losers, We're Going Shopping!

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George POV

"Ok, I'm going to go back to my apartment and get ready, can you get ready for me?" Clay asked as he stood up from his chair. I nodded my head and made my way over to my room.
"I'll meet you outside your room!" I heard Clay yell as he closed the front door.

When I got into my room I shut my door and began looking through my closet. I decided that I was going to wear a white button up shirt with a light blue sweater over it, some black jeans and blue converse.

When I was done putting everything on, I made my way over to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and fluffed up my hair to make it look poofy.
I then headed out back to my room to get my Phone, keys and wallet.

I made my way outside my apartment in about 2 weeks. I locked my door and saw Clay waiting for me next to my door. "Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him to his car.
We got in and drove to the store, "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked as we stopped at a red light. "I-I honestly don't know... I just like helping people, like you, who are struggling." I nodded and looked out the window, "Can I get your number so we can talk more? You seem like a good person to hang out with." Clay said while looking at the road, "I'll think about it..."

We arrived at the store, we got out of the car and made our way inside.
"I'm going to buy you anything you want, but I need you to at least get 5 types of food you want, it can be snacks, it can be pasta, whatever you want, and at least 2 packs of water."
"Ok," I said as I followed Clay to the fruit and vegetable section. "If you see anything you want, just go get it and put it into the cart." I nodded and looked around, I didn't want anything, I didn't deserve to eat, I deserve to starve.

Clay seems like a nice guy but what if he's just faking it. I have had so many fake friends in the past, I now have trust issues. I knew I could trust Clay, but I still needed to make sure he wasn't like the others...
After a few minutes at the first section Clay and I made our way to the bread section. (I love bread 🍞)
I saw a box of cookies, they were my favorite kind, I remembered Clay's words, 'If you see anything you want, just go get it and put it into the cart.' But I didn't deserve it, so I tried to ignore it.

Clay seemed to notice me staring at the cookies, "It's ok, go grab them." He said while smiling at me. I shook my head, "No, I don't deserve it..." I said while looking down at my feet. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I flinched at the hand, but then relaxed a bit. "George, please look at me." I looked up and saw Clay's face, I lightly blushed, but nothing too noticable.
"You deserve those cookies, you deserve to eat, you deserve to drink. You are just as special as any of us people."

I nodded slightly, still not fully believeing him. "Now go get those cookies before I drag you over there." He joked at he patted my back. I knew u couldn't fight back, so I made my way over to the cookies and got them. I still felt guilty about eating, and now I just added more to the guilt for having Clay but me food and drinks.
I'm fucking pathetic...

"Oh, by the way I got you a loaf of bread and some sandwich bread as well." Dream said while pointing at the bread in the cart. I nodded, I felt do bad, he was spending his money in a useless piece of garbage.
We made our way to the next section which was all of the pasta and soup stuff, just dinner food.
"If you see anything you want, please get it. I pretty sure you feel guilty right now, but please don't. I want to do this, I want to help you."
This time when I nodded my head I meant it, I was going to get the stuff I wanted.

Ask we were passing by, I saw my favorite macorroni and cheese. I looked over at Clay, he nodded and stopped the cart. I smiled and made my way over to it and grabbed it, and put it into the cart.
We continued to walk, nothing really caught my eye until we made it to the first snack section. It was the candy section, I immediately looked over at Clay with bright eyes, he chuckled and nodded I looked around, I got many types of candy, first I got some Skittles, then some, M&Ms, and at least 3 bags of sour patch kids.

We made our way to the next section, the chip section. At the end of the section I've gotten, 3 cans of Pringles, 1 party size bag of Cheetos, and 6 packs of Gold fish, 3 packs being normal, the other 3 packs being the rainbow Gold fish.
We finished yet another section. The next section was the juice, soda, and water. I kept my promise to dream and got 2 small packets of water. Then I got 1 pack of Gatorade, 3 boxes of Capri-Suns, and 1 box of Sprite.

After we got done with all the shopping, our cart was filled with many different types of, Bread/cookies, candy, chips, cereal, beverages, milk, yogurt, and many more. We headed to the check out line and payed for our things, "I still feel bad for you. You have to pay for all these things, how can I repay you?" I asked, "You can give me your number and be my friend." I nodded, "Sure, give me your phone." Clay gave me his phone once we got inside the car. I put in my number and handed his phone back to him.

"Thank you!" Clay said, "No, thank you... If it wasn't for you, I would already be fucking dead." Clay smiled and made our way back to our apartments.

Chapter 2, done!
Hopefully you liked it!
Chapter 3, is coming soon!

Word Count- 1090

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