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"Eomma! Where is y/n?" Jungkook shouted from up.

"Wdym? she has gone with you," -Seoh-il

"Yes," jin Said

"She isn't here nor she came with us." V said weakly.

Where is she? Another trouble waiting for bts on the path for finding y/n. Is she really somewhere urgent,pranking,or someone like cho da-woo,seong or even yeong came right here and took her? We don't know if they are really dead or no!.

Is she weak after seeing her mom? Is she able to fight? Would she do something?
It is not sure what it has to do with their mom, is she really their mom or no? We know she was dead right? Bts knew that she is not seoh-il,they doubted but they trusted her,y/n went somewhere suddenly. Is she knowing some information bts doesn't? Noone knows yet.

Now Noone was in the mood of fight yet- but specifically maknaes, they don't even know who is cho da-woo?,what it has to do with their mum coming back? And for the hyung line it's tiring when they have enemies, so much of enemies , they would be tired. Their mom came back,and yes...they are happy! They are now virtuous and don't know any mystery! , seoh-il is the main character now.

Did you see the change in behaviour of y/n? She isn't bubbly and the cheerful personality she used to be? Is it that serious that even the biggest mafia group can't handle it? Who is this cho da-woo? Is he someone who bts doesn't want maknaes to know and why it has to be jimin and jungkook to be always speaking? why is V and y/n's quiet behaviour from the starting of the day when their mom came is going on?,we have noticed it...,right?

Huffff, very mysterious chapter right? So many questions!


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