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Becky POV

It was now evening and my parents were back home

„Are you feeling better honey" asked my mom

„Yes mom I'm better 🙂"


„Mon?" asked our mother

„uh yeah"

„when is the school festival again?"

„Eh ,day after tomorrow"

„ok remind me again"

„I'll do it"

„Mom?" asked Mon


„May Sam stay here tonight?"

„Tomorrow is school Mon"

I overheard their conversation


„Work this out with your mother"

„Mon , tomorrow is school she can stay at the weekend"


„I'm going to sleep" , I said and went to my room

I lay down and fell asleep

Next morning

My alarm clock rang like every morning

I woke up and went to take a shower I still had a bit of a headache but not as bad as yesterday so I'm going back to school

I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to the kitchen

I said „morning"

„Morning" veryone replied

„I'm already going to school, I want to go to the library a little bit" , I said

„Ok sweetheart see you later" my mother said

„I'll come later" Mon said while she ate

„OK see you later"

When I got to the school, I saw Heng and Nam they are friends from my class

„Becky!!!" They shouted and ran towards me

„Hey guys 🙂"

„Where you were yesterday?"

„I wasn't feeling so well, but now I'm better"

„Oh, you're never here so early, what are you doing here?"

„I wanted to read a bit in the library"

„Cool, we're coming with you"


Classes will start soon and I went to our lockers with Nam and Heng

I saw Freen she was looking at me

But I just kept walking

I have two physics classes first and then math with Freen but I really don't want to see her

After two physics lessons I went to mr.Paul and Mrs.phon and asked if I could maybe stay in my old class today I miss it but I want to be with mr.Paul again in the next lesson.

They allowed me, which means I don't have to see Freen

„I have an idea" said Mr.Paul

„Which?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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