Chapter Six

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I just want you all to know that when we actually write these chapter's on the google doc, we randomly make it all different fonts and colors.

It shows up in the editing section of Wattpad.

But it disappears when I push 'publish.' D:

Also this is pretty much a crackfic at this point, so, uh


our bad

Chapter Six

Place: Ice cream stand

Time: 4 p.m. ish

Potato's POV

"One cherry popsicle for you and one grape for you," the ice cream stand man says to us as he gives us our popsicles.

Ryan was right about the popsicles making you feel better, although it didn't cure my broken heart. I wish I could go back in time and take everything back. I was such an idiot to bully such a gorgeous human being. I guess I didn't notice until the last time I bullied him. He looked so... I don't know how to describe it.

"You had a great idea with the popsicles," I say to the gorgeous creature.

"Why, thank you," he replies jokingly.

"Hey, Ryan?" I ask.


"Have you ever realized how handsome you are?" I ask him as I look into his gorgeously mysterious eyes.

"U-Uh," he stammers, blushing immensely. "I, uh- no one's ever told me that."

"I'm sorry," I say. "I'll stop if you'd like me to."

"No! I-I mean, no. It's okay. I don't mind it, I just... I'm not used to it? Especially not from you, of all people."

"Yeah. I understand. I always bullied you because, well..." I stop. No. Not doing this. "Nevermind."

He tilts his head. "What, what were you going to say?"

"I was jealous. I don't know if you knew this or not but I know what you look like behind that mask. I didn't know why you hid it, but if you ever had the confidence to take it off... I would lose my popularity."

Ignoring my confession about popularity, Ryan panics. "Oh, oh my good gosh- you know!? You've seen my face!? N-No one's supposed to know, no one can know! It isn't- no! He'll find me, H-He'll hunt me down and- and-" He begins to hyperventilate.

"Wait what?" I ask him. I panic and do the only thing I know how to do to comfort someone. I run up and give him a huge hug. He starts bawling in my arms. Who's trying to get him? I need to know.


I can't do this! I can't! I'll have to move again and get a brand new mask and dye my hair and- and- I just- I can't go back to that lab! I'm not an experiment, why don't those sick scientists see that? I'm a human! I shouldn't have to live my life in constant fear of being discovered!

"P-Potato- I-I- I can't- I can't stay her-" I cut myself off, melting into his hug instead. I haven't been hugged in the longest time... maybe I could stay just a bit longer?

"You can stay here. I'll keep you safe. Just... Who is trying to get you?" he asks me sincerely.  

"I-I- If I tell you, then you'll be in danger too," I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Just tell me, please, Ryan." He stares into my eyes, and I break down in his arms.

"Potato, it's the HELL, the Human Experiment Legal Lab, and they- they- my parents believed in what they did, so they donated me to their facilities a month after I was born, and- and they'd experiment on me all the time, and- I- but- I got out! I got out, I escaped with my best friend, but Dr. Idjeon shot him on the way out, he killed him! My best friend died because I couldn't run fast enough and he had to stay behind to help me!"

I sob into his shoulder, hugging him tightly. "P-Potato, I- I don't wanna go back there! They've been hunting me ever since I left, and I've had to stay with these freaking abusive adoptive parents just to hide myself and avoid blowing my cover, and I have to wear the mask so their cameras won't recognize me, and I- I can't- I hardly ever even call myself by my real name, I just go by Cry all the time so HELL can't track me down, and- and I- Please don't let them find me again, Potato! Please don't leave me like everyone else, please help me!"

"Ryan. I'm not going to leave you. I'm right here." I nod, swallowing hard and keeping my eyes closed. Eventually, the rest of the world kind of just fades away, and it feels as though I'm being moved.

"P-Potato?" I ask groggily, sitting up. Where are we? This isn't my house! This isn't the school, and this isn't Russ' or Red's house, and I don't trust anyone else, and- oh. Oh, it's Potato's house. I exhale slowly, closing my eyes again. I'm okay. I'm safe here.

Potato's POV

"Yes? How are you feeling? You kinda fainted." I ask him.

"Oh? Uh. I feel like crap. I mean, basically," he replies, shrugging as he opens his eyes.

"You need anything?"

"Umm..." He seems hesitant. "No. I'm good. Thank you."

"Okay, you probably need some rest. My parents said you can crash here for awhile."

"Really? Oh, that's great!" He pauses, bites his lip. "But, uh... could you, like... geez, this is dumb, what am I even doing... Will you stay?"

I thought he would never ask... "Of course... where would you like me to sleep?"

"Um. With me?"


"I'd love to!" I say a little too excitedly.

He raises an eyebrow. "Well, then. Um... you realize I meant the innocent way, right? Like, I am not in the mood to randomly have sex with you right now."

"I know... I just enjoy cuddles." I say nervously.

"Right. Okay, okay ,whatever, come here."

"Yay!" I run over and hop in my bed with him.

"Mm, this isn't weird at all..," he says sarcastically, but he doesn't try to move, so I guess it's okay.

I get closer to him and put my arms around him. He comes even closer to me. And we fall asleep.


*twenty-eight minutes of SLEEPSLEEPSLEEPs later*

"I found them, Bob."

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