Little White Truths

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A big thanks to ResAliens Press for giving me permission to post this story. "Little White Truths" was actually my first-ever published short story (Ray Gun Revival, Issue 33), and one of my favorites of those published. This story is actually now part of an 11-story collection, Dead or Alive. If you like this one, be sure to get the whole collection!


I never thought I would one day become an addict.

Looking back, it was inevitable, with my long trips alone in a cramped spaceship. It leads to boredom, which doesn’t have a lot of cures. There was no clear moment in time I could point to when the solution turned to full-blown addiction. Instead, it was more gradual and sinister, until the realization became obvious.

“Would you like another, sir?”

I looked up at the light brown man in a stiff, white shirt as he stood next to my table. I glanced down at the pale green remnants of some drink I’d forgotten the name of.

Without a word, I gave a slight nod and he walked off into the thick smoky cloud.

How many glasses had I downed? I couldn’t even remember. They arrived full and left empty, and at some point the distinction faded.

“Here you are, sir.”

Glasses were exchanged as I tossed a pair of credits onto the table.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“You’re welcome, sir.” He pocketed the money and left.

There was no way to deny my addiction. I made no effort to work myself out of it, either. Instead, we kept each other company like an old married couple.

In the same vein, we had travelled a road filled with pain and sorrow, regret and disappointment, endless strings of lonely nights. Our marriage had become one of convenience and habit, but neither of us had the willpower to call it off.

I gazed into the pool of liquid as it waited patiently, smooth as an iced-over pond. Then, I tossed the glass back and most of the sour drink slid down my throat.

“You must be a space pilot.”

“Must be,” I muttered.

I placed the near-empty glass on the table and looked up as a tall, slender female eased out of the smoke.

Her pale blue skin glowed in the dim light and her hips swayed as she made her way to my table. A skimpy white skirt barely covered her long legs and matching fabric patches were not enough to leave any portion of her ample breasts to my imagination. Her long hair was bleached blonde and hung all the way down her back.

Her occupation was as obvious as mine.

“Mind if I take a seat?”

I motioned toward the seat across the table.

She sat with a smile. “So, been to Loehs before?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“Then you’ll be happy to know you qualify for my two-for-one special. Pay for one tonight, and get your next visit free.”

I smirked and shook my head. “Sorry, not interested.”

“Ah, not interested in attractive women.”

I stifled a laugh. “Not in paying for them, no.”

“Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

I knocked back the remainder of my drink and set the empty glass on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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