The runaway

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We all sat around the room, pondering in our thoughts, thinking about what just happened. Marton had flee'd Aidol Avlyn, or at least retreated but none of us knew what that meant, he was the head of military for the town now, it's not like we had just thought of some random guy, we'd just fought the military captain of the town. And so we had to figure out exactly what this meant for Aidol Avlyn and Greenwater, this could be seen as an act of war, meaning we must have to find a solution that won't require war between our two towns. Tarry took a step forward, breaking the silence.

"Is everyone good?"


We all seemed to answer in synchronised fashion, but with a melancholy tone and from that, I could tell everyone was unsure what to do about our situation. Lillie, still hurt and injured but was seeming to be doing better than before, spoke up.

"I think we should all discuss what our next steps will be."

Tarry nodded in agreement and took a look around the demoralised room. There was a heavy feeling in my heart, like I was sinking into the floor, being pulled, dragged down to hell with the devil. The gut wrenching feeling I think sat heavy inside of all of us, linked together, something was about to happen and we could all feel it.

Silence filled the room for many minutes letting sit and drown in all that's happened. I sat there thinking about Xanver, he had completely removed Greenwater from his life, forgotten about it, devoting himself to Aidol Avlyn and becoming a loyal soldier, joining with Marton the man that killed Erser. I just wondered maybe he didn't know that Marton was a bad guy, maybe he didn't know that he had killed Erser but deep down I knew, I knew that Xanver just didn't care, even if he didn't know and I told him, he wouldn't care because he had devoted himself to following Marton and joining him in this declaration of war as it seemed. As we all sat around in our thoughts Zenster spoke up,

"Okay everyone, let's figure out what to do from here."

Lillie then said.

"Well with Marton supposedly gone from Aidol Avlyn we need to step up and make this place right."

"We will need all of the help we can get."

Babil chipped in, but we needed to go home and prepare, we knew that whatever Marton's master plan was. There was definitely going to be more to it. Sandon looked at me while I sat there, like he wanted me to say something. Before Zenster cut in again.

"Okay, I know that Marton is pissed about the whole giant situation but this seems a bit far for something like that, I know he wants your place Tarry, but I just feel like not everything's adding up."

Sandon looked up next and said.

"Yeah, there has to be something else, something more to all of this, I don't know what it is but we have to figure it out."

Tarry then stood up.

"Marton. Has never really been one for talking, he's more of a do-er I guess ya could say. Along with that, he ain't much of a thinking too much either. Therefore, whatever this is, I personally, don't think Marton is the one pulling the strings, there has to be someone else in control of this whole thing. So, we need to go back to Greenwater and start to try and figure out who or what is behind all of this."

I looked up at my father during his speech and afterwards he took a look and both Sandon and Zenster before laying his eyes on me, as he looked at me I just said.

"Xanver was there."

He looked confused before he came to the realisation, he started to try to comfort me but I didn't know how to feel, I was conflicted. What could I do to make things right, how can I help to fix all of this. No matter what angle I took to think about the whole thing, nothing made any sense to me, all the thoughts were jumbled up in my head. Sandon took the moment to simply say.

"We should go."

My father nodded at him and Zenster got up as well. I stayed put in my head, trying to block everyone else out.

"I'm staying."

My father looked down at me.


"I'm not going back to Greenwater. Not until I understand."

"Wil, no. You're coming back with us."
At that moment I understood exactly what I had to do. I stood up from the chair, took a look around, and sprinted as far as I could in as short a time as possible. I don't remember where I ran or how long for, but I ended up in a street that I hadn't seen. It was time for me to discover and uncover the truth about all of this. Now that I was on my own, I was going to have to think about everything for myself, starting with what to do first. I knew it wasn't going to be easy to find an answer but if I was going to I wanted to do it by myself, I had come to a conclusion, a decision. That if I need something done, it's my job to do it. Walking through Aidol Avlyn I took my time to construct a map in my head, key buildings, key points to locate exactly where I was at all times.

"Hey kid."

A man approached behind me.


"What're you doing in a town like this on your own?"

Little did I know at the time just who this man was and how much help he would be in my future...

End, Wilclif

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