1~ Swimmers Life

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The smell of chemicals

filling the air

sweet drops of water

clear the room of any preexisting hope

to finish our set

and go home to rest

For whenever we get any rest

the air full of chemicals

the stress of our set

the need for air

wanting to get a breath of hope

before diving back into the water.

The life in the water

having no room for rest

no space in our hearts for hope

only room for chemicals

not any room allowed for air

all of our revolving around out sets

All of our sets

spamming our lungs with water

giving us no luck to get any air

allowing us no room for rest

in all of our breaths giving us intense intake of chemicals

no room for hope

Nothing can give us hope

we only get pain from sets

our body in pain from the sets

a swimmers life only revolving around the water

not allowing us to have a break from the pool for rest

not even a millisecond of time for rest

No use for air

no time to find hope

no time for rest

Only giving us time to complete our given sets

diving in and out of the cold water

giving us little time to intake any air.

Chemicals infuriating the air

the taste of chlorine water, not giving us a lick of hope

Hoping for once we will get rest. 

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